The Funeral

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~~~~~~~~couple of weeks later~~~~~~

They were all planning the funeral. Alexa had noticed that Jb had been acting a little off. So she asked her what was wrong but ever time she asked her she just said "I'm fine" but alexa knew there was something wrong. Jb had been going out at night alot and had been bringing in a lot more money that before.( Jb worked at a grocery store) Little did Alexa know Jb and her mom were in a gang Jb and her mom were deliverers. And now that Jbs mom was dead she delivered alot more then she used to.

Alexas POV
"Mom" she said.  "Yes sweetie " " I'm worried about Jb, I  dont think that she is doing ok" "if she wants you to kno she would have told you by now if something was wrong."

~~~~~~~the day of the funeral~~~~~~~
Priest: And now  Miss, Diaz would like to say a few words.

Jb: Thank you all for coming she said. " My mother ohhh were to start" she said turning to see her mom. " You are a cold hearted bitch" she said looking at her mom with tears in her eyes. " Vete al infierno "( go to hell).

Her whole family looked at her and stood up and started clapping. They were so proud she finally stood up to her mom. As Jb seen her family she felt like she was free.  As for Alexa she was very confused until she realized that Jb family was clapping because she said what she had always wanted to say. Jbs family went to hug her and say congratulations. Alexa heard one of them day it and asked " congratulations for what" she was shocked with the answer she got " Jbs pregnant " " we need to talk" Alexa said " it's my ex boyfriends " " oh, nvm then" " but we do need to talk Jb said.

Jb pov
After we talked we got home and we realized that we had to tell Alexas mom. Alexas mom was truly supporting Jb with her pregnancy. Jb looked at alexa with guilt.

Alexa seen how Jb looked at her. So she smiled and walked up to her and kissed her forehead. They both hugged but the 2 girls both knew that Alexa was feeling sad.  " I'm pretty tired so if it's ok im going to go to sleep" Jb said " me to" alexa said. They both went to sleep but looking at each other they slept on there sides t oh were they couldn't see each other. In the morning Alexa woke up and took a hot shower. Jb woke up t ok the sound of the shower but she instantly felt sick to her stomach and ran into the bathroom. And lend over the toilet and threw up Alexa looked out of the red shower curtain and ran to Jb holding her hair back as Jb thew up. They looked at each other and smiled. At that point Alexa felt like she knew that everything was gonna be ok.

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