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*time skip jb is almost 9 months*

Alexa: Mom have us 200 dollars to go get some more baby clothes.

Jb: Mhm

Alexa: you have to get up

Jb: But do I?

Alexa: yes we have to get more baby clothes

Jb: ok but I have appointment at 4

Alexa: well you better get ready because it's 2.

Jb: ok *gets up* ow fuck that hurt

Alexa: you good mama's

Jb: No... ow fucking hell

Jb: Holy shit I'm having contractions

Alexa: OH shit

They run out grab there bags the walk down the stairs and Alexa mom ( sage) see them and asked what the are doing

Sage: what the hell is going on

Jb: I'm- holy fucking shit that fucking hurt like a bitch

Sage: ok shit it's time

Jb: yes ma'am

Alexa:we have to go to the hospital

Jb:( breathly) o-ok

Time skip to the birthing room thing

Nurse: How are you doing Joslin

Jb: it's jb, and I feel like I'm going to die

Nure: ok I'm gonna go get the doctor (sees Alexa in the corner) sorry sister can't be in here

Alexa: I'm her girlfriend

Nurse: *embarrassed *:/


Alexa: calms down mama's

Jb: do you wanna come over here and birth this baby for me you ass bitchhole

Alexa: nah I'm good

Jb: that's what I thought

Alexa: ima go so if they have ice chips for you.

Jb: thank you


After Alexa went to go get the ice chips she came back to the room. And seen Jb getting her stuff and getting ready to leave.

Alexa: Oh my shit, the hell are you doing

Jb: I'm leaving I'm not pushing it out

Sage come in to see how she is doing.

Sage: the hell are you doing

Jb: I'm leaving

Sage: that isn't really a option. So sit the hell down and you are gonna have this fucking baby.

Jb: yes ma'am

Alexa: were are the doctors

Doctor: I'm right here well Joslin looks like your having this baby tonight but not rn so would you like to have the epidural

Jb: yes pls

He gives her the epidural

Alexa: are you gonna talk to the baby in Spanish
Jb: yes
Alexa: I want to learn Spanish
Alexa: yes. I have a question........about the father
Jb sighed at the sound of her girlfriend. "I still haven't heard from him" she said. "We thought that we were in love so we had planned for me to drop out of school and have this baby. But he turned out to be controlling. I was planning to run away and flea the country from him because the truth is he is from the mafia and I know that I will never really have to ability to get away from him" the girl explained
Jb: calm down
Alexa: do you realize how serious this is
The doctor walks in
Dr: ok Jb it's time to start pushing

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