Chapter 4

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Detention. Again. And today seems to be the day for it, seeing as a large portion on the detention room is filled. I sit myself down at the only empty table and start my maths study. The chatter of the other students seems to blend into one annoying buzz, and I end up shoving my earphones into my ears and turning up the soft guitar music to full volume.

I grin as I picture Mr Fox's face after what I did this time. It was harmless, really. All I did was put up my hand. And correct him.

Mr Fox made an epic error on the board; that's all. But no one ever corrects him. He never gets anything wrong anyway. Only when I've become the red cloth for the raging bull. I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. Mr Fox's face was scarlet red, as if he was being cooked alive - probably by his own pride. Fun times.

I've given up on maths homework, as music and maths never mix for me. I'm packing away my books and opening up my History Presentation when out of the corner of my eye I see a tall figure. At first, I don't look up, but when it doesn't budge from the other side of my table, I'm kinda forced to. I flick my eyes up and see a tall, lanky boy with a tentative look on his face. I rase an eyebrow and take out the earphones.

'Oh, uh, mind if I sit here? All the other tables are full.' The boy asks.

'Yeah, sure.' I say, gathering my stuff from where

'Thanks.' He says.

My eyes widen slightly as I start to remember him.

Nicholai. He's called Nicholai. He was in my year 7 class. But he disappeared at the end. Like he was never there. I never thought about it before. But why is he back?

'Never saw you around here before. Why today?' I ask. I'm procrastinating here, okay? History assignments aren't too appealing you know.

Nicholai lets out a small laugh and grins. 'Skipped PE. What, is detention still a regular thing for ya?'

Now it's my turn to grin and laugh, 'Kind of.'

He places a hand on his chin and considers this, 'Hmmm... I see. Maths again?'

'Maths again.' I repeat and confirm and bite my grin away. 'Blame Mr Fox. He's the source of all my woes.'

'Ha!' Nicholai slams his hand on the table and receives many glares from surrounding staff. 'You have him again? Ohhhh I remember what you did in year 7. Are you still up to those shenanigans? How has he not filed a report on you yet?'

I laugh. 'Don't jinx it!' I don't know why, but the fact that Nicholai remembers that we were in the same class sets in motion something like excitement.

'Fun times,' He says, 'fun times.'

Fun times they were. Before mum left and Mr Fox began ruining my life. Sometimes I wish I could build myself a time machine and just stay in that bubble when I had a family, just me my mum and my dad. Before the rows started and dad left and then money started getting low so mum took on a second job and got promoted and promoted until she outgrew us and was sent to Europe.

I spend the rest of the time chatting with Nicholai. Time slips out from under me and rather too soon detention is over and we're packing up.

'See you here again soon?' Asks Nicholai, and I nod.

'What, will you be missing more PE lessons?'

'Nah, I'll go for Science next time. See ya.' He grins and walks away, leaving me smiling like a maniac.

Best detention ever. 

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