Chapter 9

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Like every day, I dread knocking on the door of my own house and waiting for someone to open it, like I'm an annoying imposter. It's the other way round. But this time it's way worse, as I've invited Inessa over for the first time in ages. I'm fiddling with my jumper as the door creaks open. Julian answers it. I turn to Inessa, who I can see is trying very hard not to stare at Julian. I grin. Personal disputes aside, he does look nice. I try not to gag at the thought.

I tow Inessa inside, and my luck ensures me I almost bump right into Mr Fox. He looks us over. 'Well hello there Miss Alcott.' His voice is measured and reserved, yet I feel a vibrating pulse of anger masked behind it. I know this can't be good. 'Why don't you head up to Ella's room, I need to have a word with her.' I fight the shivers that are running crazy along my body. Inessa looks somewhat uncertain.

'Just head up there and I'll come in a sec.' I whisper, averting eye contact with any of them. Inessa nods and quietly slips away.

When Mr Fox is certain that she is out of hearing range, he glares at me like he wants to punch me. 'What are you little brat doing?' He hisses. 'Inviting friends over willy-nilly? I did not give you permission to bring anyone over.'

I try hard not to look phased. 'Julian brings unexpected guests over all the time. So why can't I?'

'How dare you disrespect me? I am your guardian, and I tell you how you are to behave!' I'm sure the whole street heard that shout. I shiver and feel like tears could spring up any moment.

'Just because you married my mother doesn't mean I'm your daughter. I don't have to listen to you.' I hiss, knowing already I'll regret it.

Mr Fox grabs my chin and angles it up to his face. 'Oh, you're going to wish you had kept quiet. As your guardian, I can forbid you from going to the ball, you know. One more wrong move and you're in deep trouble missy.' The poison in his words seeped through me, and it's hard to keep looking into his eyes. Got it - no more disobeying the oh so mighty Mr Fox.

He lets go of my chin and I walk as casually as possible to my room. My chin hurts from his grip and feels like his fingers are still angling my face, ghosts haunting me. The floorboards creak. It's the only sound. Inessa is waiting by the door. Her worried look tells all.

'Well, I'm sure you heard that lovely conversation.' I try to sound as unphased as possible. 'Don't worry, it's nothing compared to that time I snuck out of my room at night. Julian caught me.' I give a little laugh to prove I'm fine, but Inessa doesn't seem sure.

'What did he whisper to you?' She asks in a hushed, worries tone.

'Oh, it was nothing. Just told me to ask him before anyone comes over. Don't know what the big deal is – Julian has friends over all the time. But it's fine.'

'Are you sure?' Inessa asks.

'Yeah, yeah.' I wave my hand lazily, batting away her concern. I don't want her worrying. I have it under control.

She smiles and takes out her laptop. We spend the afternoon scrolling through Pinterest, eating the grapes I snuck from the kitchen and FaceTiming Beckett. Just like old times. Almost.

A notification appears in the right-hand corner of Inessa's screen as we're looking through mid-season sales in the bookstore. She clicks on it and squeals in excitement. It's an email about the student council ball.

Dear Parents, guardians, and students,

The student council is pleased to announce that the theme on this year's ball will be masquerade!

All attendees will require their ID cards to enter, along with a fancy outfit and a mask.

Additional information regarding drop off and pick up of students, parking, safety and rules and regulation is attached in the document sent with this email.

We look forward to seeing you at the concert hall in your masquerade outfits!

Kind Regards,

Dinah Mitchel,

Student Representative for 9A

I join in the squealing. A masquerade! Who knew such a cliché movie idea might sound so appealing in real life? I jump up and grab Inessa by the hands and we jump in a circle, squealing and smiling and a whole bundle of happy feelings.

Until the door opens. 'Right! That's enough. Some people are trying to mark your test papers.' Mr Fox is red in the face, snarling at us. A pen is propped behind his pointed ear. My blood runs cold. I deflate. Inessa grips my arm tightly, clearly slightly startled. 'Miss Alcott, please go home. I'm sure you have homework to do.' Mr Fox holds the door open as Inessa leaves. I mouth my apology.

'See ya.' She says, clearly as deflated as I am.

'As for you Ella, I gave you your last warning. Your immature little squealing session is giving me a headache. Do you know how many papers I have to grade? No, you're not going to that dance. You understand me? You're going to stay home and think about your actions. I am your legal guardian, and you must listen to me.' Mr Fox glares at me, slightly puffing from his enraged speech.

'Fine.' I throw my hands up in defeat and start rearranging the pillows on my bed. 'Have it your way.'

After a minute's silence, I wearily turn around. Mr Fox is glaring at me, most likely shooting daggers at me in his mind. I swallow, my throat suddenly dry. I clutch the patchwork pillow in my hands tighter. At that moment, my phone pings. I almost jump. I really need to turn off my phone.

Following Mr Fox's gaze towards my phone, I know what's going to happen. Mr Fox strides across my room and snatches my phone from my desk.

'You won't be seeing this for a while.' He looks at the message. 'Mr Anderson wants to know who you're going with to the ball. Well, you better tell him you're too busy to come. Tomorrow, of course.' There's that measured voice again. But I know he couldn't be angrier than at this exact moment.

The door closes and I hear a chair being propped up against the door handle. I'm officially locked inside my own room. Great. Welcome back to a hundred years ago.

After the disbelief of what happened passes, I collapse on my bed and open my laptop. I get my private email open and type Beckett a message. After a few minutes, I get a reply.

You can't? Why? I thought you'd be excited.

I sigh.

I am. But my evil stepfather banned me from going.

It takes a while for Beckett to respond.

That sucks. Are you sure? Maybe you can sneak out or something.

'More like, I'll be trapped in my room all day.' I whisper to myself and write as much.


Wait, seriously? He locked you in?

'Yeah, he did. Such great parenting going on here.' I mutter.

Uha. New level of evilness. Anyway, see you tomorrow.

Can I really sneak out? I'd love to. But where would I get a dress? My ones are too plain, and I've grown out of the ball-worthy ones. And Julian is bound to be there.

And one more thing I'm reluctant to agree with; I'm too scared to sneak out. 

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