Chapter 10

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I don't know how long I can get away with coming home later than usual without Mr Fox taking action. I bet he's annoyed that it's five and I'm still not back. Well, when else am I going to see the most breathtaking sunsets?

I stroll down the forest-framed path and close my eyes. Birdsong calms me slightly, and the crisp air clears my head.

Nicholai wasn't in detention today – that isn't surprising. Either he realised that I'm not worth missing classes for, or guilt chewed him up and he didn't want to risk getting into more trouble. But though I got a fair chunk of homework done, talking with Nicholai would have been far more fun.

My eyes snap open as I stumble over my own feet. The backpack that's slung over my shoulders throws me off balance, but I regain it before I face plant into the concrete.

I make my way out onto the bridge, liking the look of how my elongated shadow is graceful, unlike me. It's very fuzzy though; like I'm barely blocking the sunlight with my tiny frame.

The bridge today is of some use. To birds. I shoo them away and lean against the railing. My breaths are deep.

I suddenly realise that it's not Thursday yet, when I'm meeting up with Nicholai to have another bike ride. My stomach feels heavy with slight sadness. Then my cheeks warm up. Why would the fact that I don't get to sit on a bike with a boy make me sad? I hear the sound of wheels on wood and my spirit lifts. I steal a look. No, just the man that occasionally rides through here. Nothing special. I return to look at the ducks. I like the way they leave trails behind them as they glide through the water that looks more like glass. It has a calming effect on me.

When another set of wheels gets on to the bridge, I don't react. Probably someone who decided to go this way instead of up the hill. Boring.

'I'm guessing you had detention again?' A joking voice floats into my ears, and it's like a que to freeze from surprise. Does thinking about Nicholai always summon him? I have mixed feelings on that.

'Yep. What else?' I smile while turning to face him and see that Nicholai is decked out in a pair of jeans and a hoodie – typical boy-clothes, using Julian and Beckett as reference. But hoodies look much nicer on Nicholai than on Julian Fox.

'Out for another bike ride?' I ask, hoping to keep the conversation going.

'Yeah.' He smooths down his hair awkwardly. 'My mum says I need the fresh air. Too much screen time working on assignments.'

'You never spoke about your family.' I say softly, but then have the urge to clamp my hands over my mouth. I more than anyone don't like talking about family and here I go pushing someone to talk about theirs. Not talking about family must be purposeful. 'Sorry.' I quickly say, feeling heat in my cheeks.

'No, it's fine. I just, uh, don't really know what to say about them. Typical family I guess.' Nicholai shrugs. A hint of a smile creeps into his eyes. 'What about you? Why avoid my questions if you don't have anything to hide? Or do you?' He peers at me intensely, right through me. I swallow. 'I'm only joking Ella.'

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 'That's what I hoped.'

Nicholai takes my wrist and pulls me over to the bike. 'Hop on. We can go for that ride early.'

I realised I never replied to Nicholai. I didn't know what to say. I shrug off my backpack and hang it on the handlebars. I then swing one leg over the seat and perch on the leather. My heart flutters with excitement.

Warm hands slide around me and grip onto the bars next to mine. Nicholai finds the pedals and the bike starts to move. We ride down the path back to the main one, and then up the hill like last time. The wind whips around us and I grip onto the bars tighter. Nicholai leans closer as we go up another, steeper, hill.

After about five minutes of fast riding, Nicholai turns around. It's the first time since I sat on his bike that I see the trees clearly, not just splats of colour blurred by speed and a fluttering heart.

Before I know what Nicholai has done, we're racing off at breakneck speed. Down one hill, riding faster still. My surroundings lose colour. My heart is going wild inside my ribcage and my breathing seems to have stopped. Down the second hill. Faster still. I give an elated shout, and for a second, we're airborne, weightless. If I wasn't so scared, I'd spread my arms out like I'm flying. But the next moment I end up on the ground.

Pain shoots through my left side, and I gulp in air. Only after a few seconds am I aware that Nicholai is holding me by the arm, his toe touching my heel. I get up shakily into a sitting position. Nicholai brushes off grass from his hoodie. He has a graze on his knuckle. Catching and following his gaze, I see Nicholai's bike in the middle of the road. He must have grabbed me and jumped from the bike once he knew it wouldn't land correctly. That explains the arm. We both laugh softly, though I'm beaming.

'Want to go to the ball with me?' Nicholas asks out of nowhere.

I freeze. That's a surprise. I don't know whether to be nervous or happy. Both.

But I can't go. Mr Fox will never let me. I've blown my chances. I don't how to tell Nicholas, not now that he's looking at me with expectant, nervous eyes. Be honest, be honest, I tell myself.

'I'm so sorry,' I start, 'But I can't.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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