phone call

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all credits to the charters go the marvel 

summary: peter gets a phone call in class

third-person pov? 

Peter was in English while he loved it and the teacher was the best she had one rule: if your phone rings you answer it on speaker. and unfortunately, this is what happened to peter. 

"you know the rules Mr parker on speaker" ms warren says Pete groans and looks at he contact IronDad  "um ms this is really personal" "it can't be that bad if can interrupt my lesson" "f-fine,"

peter: hi Mr stark

tony: hey kid I need you to suit up, you're wearing your watch right?

(I'm doing phone class like this so shut it)

peter" uh yea why?

tony: cool I upgrade the iron spider so it's in your watch, now I need you suited up and here in 5 minutes there a bunch of Squidward looking sh-

peter: Language

tony: - itakie mushrooms and we need you to web 'em and crowd control

peter" yea ok gimmie a minute 

tony: k kid see you soon 

peter: bye Mr stark.

Peter looks up and remembers where he is. "no way in hell penis knows tony stark let alone is spider man" flash shouts "wanna bet," peter says back " now Mr parker I can not let you leave" "ms with all due respect I knew this in year 3 and duty calls" and with that peter goes t the window opens it and jumps out the iron spider suit forming around him." oh and ned ill come over tonight" 

spider son and iron dad one-shots  (requests open) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now