dodge of the ball

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Summary: peters gym class pays doge ball and is amazed by his sills

third-person pov

To say Peter hated gym class would be an understatement. he DITESTED it, who doesn't? (fuck pe / gym)  Well, a certain spider child was also INCREDIBLY tired so was actually listening to his spider senses for once. This doesn't go very well together. You see Peter had to pretend he couldn't do anything in pe which is kinda hard when you've lifted a BUILDING off of your back.

Peter was walking through the hall with his eyes half-closed but managing to dodge the overpopulation of teenagers, Ned following close behind rambling bout star wars or some science thing, the boys quickly changed into the pe uniform which was a shirt with the midtown logo in the middle and light brow shorts as well as sneakers, and walked into the gym Peter still half asleep.

"Alright kids pair up and who ver wins rock paper scissors chooses which side they go on," Mr teacher said ( I can't be stuffed to look up his name k. k)  "Oi penis pair up so we can be on opposite teams and I can beat your ass" you can guess who said that ( if not, do you live under a rock or is this the first book you've read)  " Sure Flash" Peter replied (wow who would've guessed)   They both went their separate ways peter ending up winning and going on Ned's side. soon after the game started peter dodging all the balls, soon it was just peter left on his side, with flash, Abe and Cindy on the other. Peter need up with 2 balls left so he picked them up and aimed right for Abe's stomach the same with Cindy both hitting them leaving them slightly winded. It was just Flash and Peter left, victim against the bully. Flash started rapid firing balls at peter the latter still dogging them all with the help of his spider senses.





and with that last one peter backflipped over the ball, the class stared in awe and peter landed with a perfect crouch, Flash soon recovered from the shock and began throwing more balls, one heading straight at peter legs so as any normal person would he backhand springed away. Finally sick of the dogging peter picked up a ball aiming it at Flashes chest, he was about to through but another ball was coming his way so as he was backflipping over it (again btw) he through the ball right at flash hitting him square in the chest knocking flash over. people stared wide eyes at the supposedly scrawny boy who didn't even break a sweat the whole time.

"Pete you did it" Ned shouted at peter "huh oh yea, well that was easy but we should probably go we have decathlon after this" he replied "yea let go" 

and with that, the 2 friends left the class in shock and awe with flash still trying to catch his breath on the floor. From that day one Flash never bothered peter again.

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