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all credits for the characters go to marvel. pic credit: google

translations are provided. google translate and I got really close for this one. please correct me if anything is wrong.

I don't know if Cindy can actually speak Russian but in my mind, he can soo yea 

Summary: peter speak Russian in class. nat has been teaching him

To say Peter was having a shit day was an understatement: 

1. he woke up late

 2.he didn't get to eat a proper breakfast 

3. he was late to first period meaning,4 .he got an after school detention cause it's like the 5th time this week and it's only Wednesday.

5 . Flash was being extra mean today 6 Flash punched him where he got stabbed on patrol last night. 

7 . He realised he forgot his lunch lucky for him he has his best friend, Ned, who offered Peter some of his chips and an apple. 

Now adding this all together mixed with a very sleep deprived spider child does not end well so he was bound to slip up at one point, and this slip up just happened to be in the last period of the day and in... russian?  

Peter walked into class only to want to walk right back out again because of Flash. "yo penis, how are your parents doing? oh, that's right, they're dead?" peter finally snapped.  "Вы знаете, что такое Flash? С меня достаточно ваших комментариев о моей мертвой семье, о том, что у меня нет стажировки, и ваше право, у меня нет стажировки, это прикрытие для того, чтобы меня усыновил Тони и я стал человеком-пауком, так почему бы вам не сесть у нас? Толстый вниз и немного уважения, гребаная собачка, сучка с задницей" (You know what Flash? I've had enough of your comments about my dead family, about me not having an internship, and your right I don't have an internship it's a cover for being adopted by tony and being spider man so why don't you sit our fatass down and have some respect fucking dog looking ass bitch)

Everyone just kinda looked at peter as he huffed and sat down. "why is everyone staring at me" he asked " " dude you just went on a rant in russian" ned said " "oh yea nats been teaching me"

Flash just looked pale while Cindy stared at peter. "uh Cindy you good?" ned asked "P-p-p-etrs sp-" "YOU UNDERSTOOD THAT" peter screamed "I uh yea" 'shitshitshitshitshitshit' went through peters head "ok well uh you can't tell any one and your going to have to come with me after school to sign some stuff" "i won't" "ok thank you"

And that peeps is how everyone learned peter can speak Russian and Cindy found out he's spider-man and Tony's adopted son.

spider son and iron dad one-shots  (requests open) HIATUSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum