Chapter 18: Matchmaker for Manager's

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By the time you woke up, it was the twins giggling before you smile and ruffle both of their hair. "Ohayou! Nee-chan!"

"Ohayou~" you cooed as you stood up and saw that Kiyoko and Eri are already gone. Reaching the canteen, most of the team are awake before Noah spot Akaashi eating next to his seniors and juniors. "Sure, Noah. Go ahead!" You permitted before he smile and run at the Fukurodani team.

You started walking towards Kiyoko as she greeted you, "Ohayogozaimasu!"

"Mhm! Same with you and Eri!" You greeted back. As you start your job, the three simps run and reach out their plates. "Yes, please more, goddess!" They said in sync, reading your mind on what you're about to ask before you smile and give them another round.

As you finish serving, you check out the two and saw Kai feeding Noya while Noah was still with Fukurodani. Then you notice one person was missing. "Kuroo, where's Yaku?" You ask.

"Still in the dorm. I don't know what that guy did, but he looks exhausted as hell..."

"If that's the case, I'll leave the twins with you guys for a while. I'll go wake him up..." you requested before removing your apron and skip your way to Nekoma's dorm.

As you arrive in front of the Nekoma's dorm, you started knocking softly. No one was answering so you decided to just go in. After you got in, you saw Yaku peacefully sleeping while you rolled your eyes at him.

You walk over to him and you started shaking him gently. "Yaku-san, wake up..." you called out but he is still asleep. You did it a few times as he finally spoke, "Let me sleep more..." he groggily stated as he turn his back on you.

You huff, "Just wake up already, you need to eat breakfast then the practice will start again..." you explained as you shake him again. "Leave me alone..." he mumble as he slap your hands away.

You squinted you eyes and ask, "how the hell are you so tired?"

"Those damn first-years tired the hell out of me..." he replied back as he continue laying down.

"Yaku-san~ just get up already!" you whine until he decided to use you as a body pillow. His arms around your waist as you sit near him. "Shut up and just let me sleep..."

You rolled your eyes and huff, "I swear to G-"

"Keep quiet and just let me sleep peacefully instead of whining..." he stated as you let him, giving up on making him get breakfast.

"Fine, just a few more minutes" you spoke as you took your phone out and started using it.

A few minutes later you started waking him up again. "Yaku~ wake up now! I give you enough time to rest your ass! Now get up!" you scold as he ignore you. "Morisuke!" You shouted his name before he quickly sat up and shot a glare at you

"Don't even think of calling me that name again" he growl out.

"But why? Isn't it your first name?" you replied before you got a little scared when he glare harder.

"Just don't! Please don't call me by my first name again. You can call me any funny names like idiot, bastard or anything else, just not Morisuke. It sound awful coming from you..." he scold as you look down and pout.

"Fine just get up!" You said as he look up and you look at him. "No." He simply replied and throw himself back at his comforter. He also pull you down and use you as a pillow again, sitting beside him while he hugs your waist.

"Thanks to the fact that this is not a bed or else I could have push you down that might hit your head and wake you up..." you grumble as he open one eye and smirk. "You're coming with me, because I have my arms around you". He said while smirking that made you irritated.

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