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Billie walked down the last few stairs and found Brandon rummaging through the bag. 

"Yess burritos!" she exclaimed with a big smile. He turned around towards the sound and stared at Billie like a wolf salivating at the sight of its prey. He looked her up and down in his baggy tee and boxers Brandon was already taken in by her presence and she was wearing loose clothes. He snapped at the thought of it.

Am I the burrito? Why he starin like that-  Billie eyed him suspiciously.

"Food's here bitch!" Prince and Gawa both came running down the stairs and Billie quickly moved aside to avoid being trampled. Within seconds the teared tacobell bag was sitting on the kitchen floor and they were hungrily biting into the food. Brandon looked at them and shook his head then walked over to Billie and handed her ordered 10 burritos. She had decided to order 10 since she didn't really want to overwhelm them by showing them how she could actually eat 20. So she kept it on the low and had asked for 10.

"Cmon" he said, "let's go in the living room." 

Gawa shouted, "Thanks Brandon!" between mouthfuls as he headed back upstairs and Prince had said, 

"Bye Billie," as he followed Gawa. 

"Peace and quiet," Brandon said, and Billie laughed. "Let's watch something, you choose" he gave the remote to Billie.

"Do you like the office?" she asked and he shrugged,

"I watched like the first episode but then I never got around to it, let's watch it!"

They both settled on the deep and cozy couch. Billie instantly felt like she was sinking it was a shallow couch and it felt like she was being pulled into him.

An hour later there were Taco Bell wrappers on the floor and they were laughing at the screen. Brandon had been technically introduced to the office by Billie and she wouldn't stop praising it. Both of them were rubbing their eyes until Brandon looked at the clock, "Damn it's 11 already. You tired or do you wanna watch?" he asked Billie.

 "Nah I'm not tired but I'm done watching the office" she said.

Brandon laughed too, "Let's go upstairs I've a TV in my room" he paused for a second, then got up giving his hand to Billie so she could get up too, "You know," he said with a glint of mischief in his eyes, "I heard from a little birdie you don't like horror movies..."

Billie gasped. "You did not bitch!" Brandon ran up the stairs. "That's right you better run motherfucker" she yelled and started to chase him, "I William am not scared of horror movies" she reached the stairs and ran to the room she saw Brandon run into. She looked around, nobody was in there, then she laughed, "bitch are you really hiding right now." She heard someone inhale and opened his closet. Brandon jumped out, scaring the shit out of her.

"AHHH" she screamed and he tackled her.

 "Wuss baby you a wuss, you screamed." Brando teased her. 

He was tickling her so much she didn't even have time to process that he had just called her baby.

"I-" Billie laughed, "am not-" she raised her hands to defend herself, "a wuss" then she broke into laughter, "Brandon stop tickling m-" she couldn't stop laughing, her arms were flailing helplessly and she was almost about to surrender when they heard Prince and Gawa nearing the door,

"Did y'all die or some shit," Gawa said as he opened the door, and stared with his eyes wide.

Prince followed, "yo it's like sparta up in here?" he questioned jokingly. He came in and just stared.

Billie was lying flat on the bed from where Brandon was tickling her. Her face was bright red from laughing uncontrollably and her hair was messed up from rolling around. The shirt she wore was now all bunched up and revealing a little of her stomach.

Brandon's hair was messed up too from Billie trying to make him stop tickling and they both just looked disheveled. 

Billie shot up from the bed and Brandon stopped laughing, "Itsnotwhatitlookslike!" she explained rapidly.

"Yeah, we were tickle fighting and..." Billie looked at Brandon for help mid sentence making them look more suspicious.

Gawa and Prince just burst into laughter. While Billie and Brandon stared awkwardly smiling.

"Y'all are too much," Prince laughed shaking his head, "I wasn't born yesterday."

Gawa finally stopped laughing and said "Brandon, you know we have a soundproof room that would've been wiser to use," they both left the room laughing and you could hear Gawa mocking them in the hallway, "oH iT wAs A tIcKlE fIgHt."

There was awkward silence in the room after they left until Brandon straightened his shirt and Billie coughed, "They're just doing it to annoy us" Brandon said, smiling at her.

Billie laughed while blushing then said, "I repeat, I am not a wuss and I am NOT scared of horror movies."

Brandon stared at her in amusement, then smirked, "Oh yeah? How about we test that and see." He jumped on the bed and patted the spot next to him for Billie to sit down. He went on Netflix and put the Conjuring on, "Are you fine watching this?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Why wouldn't I be? Put it on." Billie said holding up her fight. 

"Just wanted to see if you were gonna back out." Brandon said, smirking. She slapped him in the arm.

"Shut up." she said laughing.

"Alright, alright mama" he smiled then draped the blanket over the both of them.

How is he so sweet and funny and then cute and annoying at the same time. Billie thought.

She exhaled and shook her head. Then she moved closer to him, and he lifted up his arm to allow her to snug into him even more. They both smiled at each other and the movie started.



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