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"Oh uh we were um-" Zoe stuttered.

"We were deciding on getting you something!" Drew laughed and grabbed the nearest bag of chips.

Billie looked at them, she knew something was up but she didn't have the energy to investigate so she shrugged it off and they silently sighed in relief.

"Yo Bil let's find the bathroom. You said you needed to go?" Gawa said and gave them a look so they played along.

"Uh yeah, where is it?" Billie said looking around.

"Oh it's right over there" Zoe said pointing to the corner to a bathroom sign.

"You want us to come?" Drew offered.

She shook her head and followed the sign blindly. Zoe watched her go.

"Look at her she's not herself anymore we can't do this to her." Zoe said.

"But what if it's what she needs?" Prince said. "And before y'all come at me I'm not picking sides between Brandon and Billie I'm saying this might be the chance we have to get them back together."

"So we're not taking her to the ice skating rink to meet Brandon?" Gawa said confusedly and they all looked at him with wide eyes, then looked around to make sure Billie wasn't there.

"Man you gotta be quiet." Prince said.

"My bad but you guys didn't tell me nothing." He retorted.

"We need to make a plan now." Drew said. "Before she gets back we have to take her somewhere else and call Brandon to tell him we're not coming."

"Okay but why aren't we taking her there again anymore, fill me in someone?" Gawa half laughed half whined.

"Okay so you know how yesterday..."

yesterday, 12:34 PM
- the day after the party

FaceTime call between Gawa, Brandon, Prince, Drew and Zoe

"Yo you done fucked up." Prince said.

"Forreal. Not this one Brandon, we like her she's our best friend what the hell man." Gawa said.

Drew and Zoe kept their mouth shuts but both of their looks pierced into his soul even though they were only on his phone screen.

"No no! Listen guys you have to hear me out this is a big misunderstanding." Brandon tried to explain.

"That sounds like every lie I've ever heard." Drew said.

Brandon sighed "I know I seem like the bad guy but I really need you to give me a chance to explain, please." He seemed to be on the verge of tears.

Drew hummed, letting him talk but Prince said "start from the party all the way at the beginning."

"Alright so we entered the party right, then y'all were talking and Billie said she wanted to dance. So then, we were in the crowd dancing and I held her hand tightly we were together but then I had to go to the bathroom and I told her to stay there or go with you guys, which I don't think she did. Then as I was coming out of the bathroom, and walking out of that hall out of fucking nowhere Tani shows up and grabs my arm and says..."

"Tell your whore of a girlfriend to get the fuck away from my boyfriend." She said fuming "he's mine now and she can't be kissing up on him like that."

"What the fuck are you saying." Brandon said absurdly "you're probably mistaking Billie for someone else she wouldn't wanna kiss your fucking boyfriend."

"Oh really?" Tani challenged "then why is she shoving her tongue down his throat."

"Tani I don't have time for this." Brandon said and wanted to desperately make his way back to the dance floor where he knew Billie was. She had to be. She told him she'd stay there.

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