Chapter 10

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-A few moments earlier-

After witnessing the start of the battle, team Saber was already in the way.

And when they got there, they saw the fight at its full, though it wasn't a simple fight.

Saber:"The Hell is this bullshit!? So many against the same target!?"

Rage filled her heart as her companion just watched.

Mako:"Oh my, it already started! Look how many there are!"

Satsuki:"...That boy...who would've thought he'd actually be into this."

The two turned to her, focused on the battle with her icy eyes.

Saber:"What do you mean? You know that boy?"

Satsuki:"I met him before, with Lucina Ylisse. I knew he was a Master, but if he had some brain he would have surrendered by the Church."

Saber:"Oh? And why is that?"

Satsuki:"Just look at him. He has no experience of this world. He should have stayed away."

That wasn't the answer Saber expected. Nor one she liked either.

Saber:"Stayed away? Just because he never fought before!?"

Satsuki:"Just look at the battle. They all aim at him because he's the weakest."

Saber:"...So what? Are you saying we should target him as well!?"

Satsuki:"That would be the wisest move."

She didn't like it at all. She was about to reply, but someone did before her.

Mako:"Sorry, but I won't do it, no no no!"


Mako:"That poor guy need a hand, and since we're here I say to help him out! Besides he seems a nice guy!"

Satsuki:"Help him? But that's-"

Saber:"-exactly what I wanted to hear, Master!"

She called for her scissor blade and went through.

Saber:"I'm glad my Master turned out to be someone like you."

Mako:"Ooooh, group hug!"

She went and hugged Saber while Caster made his move toward Lancer.

At Lancer's Master moving, Saber noticed her intention.

Saber:"Let's go then."

She got free of the hug and went in a stance.

Satsuki just stared at those two. They were letting their emotions to control their actions.

And sometimes that could be a mistake. She knew that very well.

But as Mako's teacher, she couldn't let them go by themselves. She grabbed her sword and prepared.

Lancer's Master just went over Caster and aimed for his Master, ready to get rid of him...

...but Saber was ready.

Saber:"Let's go, Senketsu!"

At those word, something like an eye opened on the left side of her sailor uniform.


Fate:"One down."

Bardiche was already a step from Y/N's head. All he could do was closing the eyes, waiting for Death to come.

Only it never did.

At the sound of metal clashing, she opened the eyes to see an half naked girl in front of him, blocking the attack with a red scissor blade.

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