1 - Namseok

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Genre - FLUFF

Hobi was in his room, working on lyrics to a new song he was writing. He and Namjoon had gotten into an argument last night and had been avoiding each other all day.

Hobi thought about going and apologizing, since the argument they had was about who's turn it was to wash the dishes. The two fought like they were an old married couple, when in reality they had only been dating for six months. 

He slumped back in his chair, lightly tapping on his desk with a pen. He thought about what to do for awhile, before just deciding to go and apologize. 

Hobi got up from his seat and exited his room, walking down the hallway to the living room where Namjoon was. Namjoon was sitting on the couch watching TV, when he saw the brown haired boy walk in, he immediately turned it off and went to walk out of the room.

"Namjoon wait!" Hobi quickly grabbed the younger's hand, stopping him from leaving. Namjoon sighed heavily, avoiding eye contact with the older. 

"Look, I'm really sorry.. I shouldn't have yelled at you for saying it was my turn to do the dishes, it was a stupid thing to argue about.. and I'm willing to do whatever to make it up to you" Hobi smiled softly, gently rubbing his thumb up and down Namjoon's hand. 

Namjoon looked at the older boy for a minute, he wanted to stay mad but when he saw Hobi's soft smile, he couldn't resist smiling back. "I'm sorry too" Namjoon spoke softly before pulling Hobi in for a hug. 

Hobi smiled even wider, hugging the younger back tightly. "Let's not argue about stupid stuff like that again, okay?" Hobi said, Namjoon gave a small nod in return. 

The two boys let go of each other, wide smiles on both of their faces. Hobi gently grabbed Namjoon's face, lightly massaging the younger boy's cheeks. Hobi slowly leaned in closer before giving Namjoon a soft kiss on his lips. 

Namjoon kissed back, putting his hands on the smaller boy's hips, pulling him closer. They kissed for what felt like hours, before pulling away for air. "I love you so much, you know that?" Namjoon said, tackling the brown haired boy onto the couch. 

Hobi giggled resting his head on Namjoon's stomach, "I love you too". Hobi lifted up his head kissing the younger once again. Namjoon ran his fingers through Hobi's hair, gently biting his bottom lip, causing Hobi to let out a small noise. 

Hobi kissed Namjoon harder, lightly running his hands up and down Namjoon's shirt. Namjoon slowly pulled away, Hobi tried to kiss him again, but Namjoon just laughed. 

"W-What? Why did you stop!" Hobi groaned in annoyance, "It was getting a little too hot, I'm not ready to do that with you yet" Namjoon chuckled at Hobi's cuteness. 

Hobi playfully rolled his eyes, pecking the younger's lips once more. "Well I don't just wanna sit here all day, can we go get ice cream please?" Hobi asked in a cute tone that Namjoon couldn't resist. 

"Okay fine cutie, go get ready" Namjoon laughed as he watched Hobi jump up from the couch excitedly, running to his room to go get changed. 

"I love you!" Namjoon yelled down the hallway, hearing a faint "Love you too!" come from Hobi's room. Namjoon smiled softly before getting ready to go get ice cream with his boyfriend.

A/N: Sorry this was kind of short! I've wanted to make a short Namseok oneshot for the longest time, so here it is! I hope you enjoyed, if there is any ship you would like me to write about then please tell me in the comments! :) 

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