Chapter one (Stone)

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It was almost dusk and the wolves were getting ready to go to the gathering. 

"Birch and Lion, bring your apprentices." Stone barked. They nodded their heads in agreement, and went with Holly and Shade. 

They were going to four rocks, and in the middle they heard rustling. The green flower bush seemed like some wolf was there. What? It smells like a wolf...

"Why did you stop?" Frost stopped too, and the whole clan was staring. "We will be late for the gathering."

"Sorry." Stone dipped his head, and headed towards four rocks again. When they reached the gathering, they were the last ones there. Stone sat on MeadowClan's rock, and waiting for the other leaders to talk. Since no one did, he talked first.

"If you don't mind I would like to go first." Stone barked. He looked at other leaders, waiting if they agree.

 "I'm fine with that." 

"Yes we are too"

"Okay, but I will go next."

"Thank you. Our clan has no new pups or apprentices but I would like to declare a peace treaty. As you know it is winter and we are low on supplies. If we declare peace for at least this winter we might be able to survive well because the bears will be off hibernating."

"I agree, Stone. I declare peace" 

"Me too." 

"I as well." said Fig "Now if you don't mind I would like to go next. We have 5 new pups, Leaf, Rose, Twig, Spruce, and Badger. We are okay on supplies and think would be better since we declared peace."

"New pups are always a good sign" 

"Yes, may they have a long life." said Bramble "I would like to go now. One of our nursers, Lilac is expecting pups in another week or two."

"Well thats good news"

"Yes I agree. Now I will go. Our clan has no recent activity but all is well."

"Great. Since everyone shared Meadowclan we are leaving now."

"Yes, Forestclan let's go"

"Riverclan we shall go to"

"Ashclan, come we are done too"


"All wolves come to the tree for a clan meeting" 

"What is it why did you call a meeting?"

"You'll see, Ripple"

"Wolves, It is winter and we have made a peace treaty with the other clans. We have a better chance of surviving than usual the only chance of dying with sickness, coldness, or loss of prey. The grizzly bears are sleeping so they will not attack us unless we wake them up. Try your best to survive  and protect each other until spring where all will be better."



"May I say something Stone?"

"Yes, Heather you are welcome to say anything."

"We are quite low on supplies and I would like everyone to keep an eye out for supplies."

"Yes, everyone keep an eye out for supplies. You may be dismissed now"


"Do you think I should have said the peace treaty, Ripple?"

"Yeah, I think it's a good idea."

"I just hope we survive the winter since it's already cold out."

"We will. I have a strong feeling"

"Let's not lose hope"

Hi! This is my first time writing so the chapter needs a little work. I hope you like it! The main character is not shown in this chapter but will in the next one. Remember to vote, comment, share, and follow!

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