Chapter three (Shadow)

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It was early morning and it was raining heavily outside. No-wolf had woken up yet except for Shadow.

"Hey, Storm did you wake up yet?"

"Hmm? Yeah, sure I'll eat a mouse for breakfast" Storm said in his sleep.

"Huh? Uhh Storm? I was asking if you were awake yet"

"Storm!" she said a little louder in his ear.

"Whaaaat, I was trying to sleep"

"I was just checking if you woke up. I did and I'm bored"

"But I was sleeping."

"But I was bored."

"You shouldn't of woken me up though."

"You two better be quiet or you'll get it. Shadow, why did you wake your brother up?"

"I'm sorry okay? I was bored and no one woke up"

"You shouldn't of woken your brother up."

"I know, I know. Sorry. I'm hungry now."

"Yeah me too."

"Okay I'll get you guys a a piece of deer."

"Mmm.. This piece of deer is tasty and big" she said as she took a big bite out of her food.

"I bet my piece is more bigger than yours"

"I don't even care right now....Its so yummy.."

"I'm done"

"I'm almost done. Okay, now done"

"How about you guys play bramble ball inside quietly until the other pups wake up? They're the last ones to wake up so you can play as much as you'd like when they wake up."



"Here, Storm catch!" Shadow said as she threw the ball to Storm.

"Got it! Catch!" he said and threw the ball back.

"Oof. That was a hard one." she said as she leaned to catch the ball.

"Sorry, you know I'm bad at aim."

"Eh. It's ok. I wish we could go outside though. Its been raining for 5 days straight"

"Awoooooo!" they heard Stone howl. "Flood!! Everywolf, get to higher ground quickly! Go, go, go, go!"

Worry spread through Shadows brain. It was her first time in a flood and she was just a pup.

Her mother picked Storm up and gently threw him up higher. She did that a few times and then moved on to Shadow. "I wish your father is here but he's helping the pack. I always tell him "If you're not leader your pups and family come first" but her doesn't listen. I know that Stone said help everywolf but pups need lots of help"

The flood was getting higher and the wolves needed to get to higher ground. Her mother then threw Shadow up high.

 As her mother was kind-hearted and cared for everyone in the pack she stayed back and helped the other pups. "Shadow, Storm, run as fast as you can. I need to help the other pups too. But I promise I will come as soon as I can."

"No! You will come with me this instant! Please mother!"

The pups begged they're mother to come but she refused and told them to run. "Go now!"

Shadow couldn't disobey her mother so she ran. Unfortunately, her fur got tangled in some weeds. She cried for help but the other wolves ran past her without seeing  or hearing her because of all the commotion. Her mother did too. All the wolves were up high and no wolf noticed that Shadow was stuck and missing.

Shadow frantically tried to pull the weeds apart from her legs with her teeth but it was no use.

Her mother finally noticed that Shadow was missing. "Shadow! Where are you?! Come!"

Shadow heard her mother and cried back "I'm stuck! I tried calling for help but no wolf heard me!"

"Enough talking now! You're father and I are coming to get you!"

But it was too late. Shadow got swept away by the water.

The pup gasped for breath as she frantically tried to swim. She wasn't very good at that and was worried she would sink. She was swept very far until she finally grabbed a large stone. 

Shadow was scared, worried, and, hungry. So many feeling were passing through her right now. She was cold and wanted the comfort of her mother. She was hungry and wanted her yummy father-caught prey. She was lonely and wanted her funny brother.

"Awoooo!" Shadow cried for help hoping anywolf would hear. To her disappointment, nowolf heard her howl. She hoped anywold, just anywolf would find or hear her. She was hungry and her stomach rumbled.

Please, anyone find or hear me

But she knew that she was far, far, far, away from her home.

Sorry that it's been forever since I updated. I am just busy and totally forgot! How did you like the chapter? Remember to vote, comment, share, and follow!

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