Important Notice

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Hello Gems!

This is a reminder to those who have yet to complete their last task.

The usual reminder tag will be done or messages will be sent to your inboxes, but first we implore everyone who have yet to complete their task to do so before August 12th, as a new rotation will be up and running by then.

We have also noticed quite a few dormant members of the Bookclub.
We plan on getting everyone engaged the best way we can, so keeping aside those who have taken permission to be on hiatus,

Every one who has not been added to the previous two to four rotations and wants to be part of the next should either contact us directly or drop a comment on this chapter, stating so.

Those who do not want to be added to rotations but want to RETAIN their membership should also indicate.

COMMENTS =•=•=•=•=>>>

Thank you!


The Gem Book Club [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now