You gotta have friends

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(3rd person POV)

Trevor was always the gentle type. When he was born, his Papa knew he was just like him, a man with female genitals. His parents named him after his father's great-great-grandfather, a man who at the time was revered for his generosity and kindness

That was Trevor all over, kind. There wasn't a day gone by that he wasn't helping someone, be it to carry something or just a shoulder to comfort.

That's how he met Blue

She was crying on her house steps and Trevor decided to see what's wrong. They talked for hours and eventually, Blue told him her secret "I have a penis" She whispered so no one but him could hear it "But my sister doesn't" The sadness in her eyes broke his heart "I hurt all over and I'm not a girl. My Mum says I am, but I have a boy part so I can't be a girl" She wiped her nose with her sleeve and flinched at the movement from the pain "I got no boobies"

Trevor looked at her curiously and came to a decision "I'm a boy and have a girly part" He said with confidence "My Papa is the same and I'll never have boobies"

"But I don't want to be different" She sniffed although she smiled a little cause Trevor said boobies "I want to be like my sister"

"You're not different, you special" Trevor smiled "My Daddy said I was just the way Moon Goddess made me, perfect and special like Papa"

"Is special good?" Blue whimpered

"Special is great" Trevor responded with an even bigger smile

And that's how their friendship was bound by steel and concrete, nothing could break it

Trevor met the rest of the gang, minus Penelope, a few days later. Marcus put up his defenses, just to make sure Trevor wasn't going to hurt Blue

All of them were protective of Blue

When Trevor saw Jonah, he almost had a heart attack. They were still kids, no older than 4 yrs old, but Trevor felt it. The moment his eyes met Jonahs, he knew, he knew he was his mate and so did Jonah

Jonah and Trevor always gravitated towards each other without realising. Trevor was tiny, smaller than most, while Jonah was big for his age, he looked to be atleast a year older than he was

It was like the two were complete opposites, but fitted together perfectly. That one puzzle piece that brought the whole picture into focus

When the group would get into fights with bigger kids, Jonah always protected Blue and Trevor. If either of them were hurt, Goddess help the child that hurt them

One day Trevor got pushed to the ground by a human boy and kicked. It was only Blue and Trevor at the time so the humans thought they were easy pickings. It was the first day of school and Trevor and Blue were going to class

Blue threw herself put of her wheelchair and tackled the bully to the ground. They rolled around hitting each other until a teacher broke them up

Blue had to go home cause the pain was so bad she couldn't stop screaming. Trevor never felt so guilty than he did right then and there. He was never a fighter, still isn't

He asked her why she did it and she said 'Because you're my brother' Trevor never felt more accepted and more loved then he did at that moment, that was, until Jonah found out

Jonah lost it and ran out of the classroom when he heard some kids talking about it. He ran up to Trevor to check him over, then hunted down the human and beat the crap out of him

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