(Not a Chapter) Tupperbot Testing

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Note: This isn't an actual chapter. The one I hinted at last chapter will come later.

I was thinking of how other social media fics use fake (insert type of social media) generators in order to get the proper format. Since this book is no longer on FF.net (cause chatlog style works arent allowed there) and both Wattpad and AO3 allow photos in the chapters I thought I'd test something out.

These ones were created with the Tupperbox Bot on Discord, a bot that allows you to make multiple 'accounts' for roleplaying or plural usage. The 'BOT' at the usernames side is a side effect of this so don't mind it.

Anyways tell me what you think of these ones. Should I make the future chapters using Tupperbox and screenshots or should I stick to typing everything instead?

(also minor spoilers for nicknames and stuff but that's obvious)


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