Nickmemes. Memenames?

235 3 15


Notes: This was inevitable. You know how it goes in Chatfics.

Also, we're back to a text-based format. As much as I enjoyed using Tupperbot and doing screenshots for the chapter it was a hassle getting everything down. Writing a script, timing the responses (so that the time listed makes sense), screenshotting and cropping, and posting it all here in order. And after Wattpad RUDELY deleted the screenshots I had already pasted on the drafts of this and other chapters I got fed up and just decided to go back to writing it text so I can finally get this done.

Maybe in the future, I'll go back and do screenshots for all the past chapters but for now, you'll have to tolerate the text format. Sorry about that!

Anyways, back to the chat.



Gale (4:41 PM)
And that's why dogs are banned at the Snowtel.

Colette (4:41 PM)
WoW (O_O;)

Lou (4:41 PM)
She just stormed off! Just like that!

Gale (4:42 PM)
The clean-up was terrible, we had to replace a bunch of furniture because of her.
But at least the other guests were kind enough not to bother us

Lou (4:42 PM)
Silver Linings I guess... ^^💦

Surge (4:42 PM)
Oh wow that's a real life Karen
I thought people like that only existed in stories!

Lou (4:42 PM)
Hi Surge~!

Gale (4:43 PM)
Unfortunately they don't.
Hello Surge

Colette (4:43 PM)
Check you DMSsss~ 👀

Surge (4:43 PM)
Oh wow that's a lot
Hold on I'll get to that

Colette (4:43 PM)
I'll see you there! :3

Lou (4:44 PM)
That was weird
Should we be worried?

Gale (4:44 PM)
Probably not.
They're good kids. They wouldn't do anything too crazy
You know how Colette is. Maybe she just has something big to show him! Hehe

Lou (4:45 PM)
Hm. Youre right
It's probably nothing :)


Direct Messages @Surge @Colette

Colette (12:41 PM)
*crashes in*
I just had an a-MA-zing discovery
We're gonna do
I think this could be the thing to top the pranks list!
Be the first and most memorable
Hit me up as soon as youre free~ ( ƅ°ਉ°)ƅ

Colette (4:44 PM)
*crashes in*
You here? :D

Surge (4:45 PM)
Whew thats a wall of text
What did you discover?
*And what prank do you have in mind?*

Colette (4:45 PM)
( ••)
( ••)>⌐■-■

Surge (4:45 PM)
Oh this is serious-

Colette (4:46 PM)
It has come to my attention that the server is *lacking* in certain areas

Surge (4:46 PM)

Colette (4:46 PM)
Everything here is BoRiNg
Like, everything is so normal!
What kind of a chatfic doesnt have anything crazy going on?! ( ⌡ ຶम⌡ ຶ )

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