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The day went usual until dad called me and asked me to attend some party of a business friend Mr. Sharma's. Mr. Sharma is a known person in business and he is more like an enemy to me and also my mom's close friends husband. I was in no mood to look at his Bulldog-face. I tried refusing with some lame excuse like I have a headache, I'm tired or something but my dad knows me too well to believe them and told me to do it for his sake. Now I don't have another go I have to do it. I made up my mind to face the Bulldog. I wore my usual attire which I wore to office. Nor the person I'm going to meet is that important or the party, that I have to be at my best.

I left my office an hour early than the time my dad told me to reach there. I got a huge bouquet for the Human Bulldog and decided to have a good coffee to at least cheer my mind with it. I was heading to the venue which I haven't heard before. Some five star hotel. My car suddenly made a weird move. It was struggling to move any further and was about to stop any moment so I decided to pull off quickly. I stopped my car near the divider and opened the bonnet of the car to check what was wrong.

Why don't they check the car before they hand it to me. I grumbled furiously as I was trying to figure out what was wrong. Unfortunately I couldn't get anything in my sight. I climbed over the divider and called my saviour, my brother Arjith. I told him I didn't know where the rubbish venue was and my car broke down . He told me I wasn't too far from the venue, a walkable distance. But I was no way ready to carry this huge bouquet with me and walk on the road attracting goat, cow or even worse to be chased by a dog thinking I'm a lunatic person. I waited for my brother to send someone instead of participating in a marathon with a dog chasing behind me. It was getting dark so the drivers had on their headlights get me blind some times with those bright lights.

Suddenly a loud horn got my attention, I spun on my heels to know the reason. There was a girl around 21 or 22 about to get down on the road where the speedy car was heading on. I didn't think much as my instincts were already on action. I pulled the girl by her waist who was no ways paying any heed to such loud horn and bright lights. Is she mad? She bumped on my chest which got her out of her reverie. She peered up to look at me, her eyes still down only her head up. Before she could say something I started blasting at her. I don't know why, but to see this girl putting her life at danger I was beyond furious. My grip on her arm tightened, I didn't receive any reaction from her. "Are you mad? Or out of your senses? Do you think your walking on a beach that there is no risk of you dying. If your thinking so open your eyes and see Miss. Your walking on a road where vehicles fly. Don't you even think of your family. Won't your dad feel sad of what your doing?" I asked her angrily. Before I could ask her anything she looked into my eyes. Her eyes welled up. Shit was I that harsh to get her cry. "I...I'm.." before I could complete she said something which I totally didn't expect. "Yes very much he would feel, surely. That he wasn't there to see me suffer to death. I'm ending his burden by dying intentionally or unintentionally I was going to die and finish everything. Why the hell did you save me? Who even asked you pull me from there? It would have been great if that red car drove over me" she said angrily, still her voice held so much of pain in it. God what did I do I just increased her pain by speaking of her dad. "You didn't do anything to curse God now" she said still angry. I guess I said that little loud. So long not even a tear fell from her eyes but when she probably heard me speak about her dad it didn't stop falling down. I saw her eyes. Dark sapphire blue eyes. Her eyes. "She is not the only girl to have a dark sapphire eyes" a logical part of me told, and it was right. Now I had to concentrate on this girl.

What I did the next I myself couldn't comprehend. I pulled her close to me and hugged her tight so tight that she would have felt pain but not even a small hiss came out of her lips. She cried, cried so much I could feel her tears penetrate my shirt. She was shivering from crying. I slowly strode her back and whispered soothing things to her. After few minutes her breathing was normal and probably stopped crying. She moved her head in my chest making her long, black, silky hair brush on my bare arms holding her waist. She slowly pulled back. Her nose and cheeks were all red by now. She is a cute crier and also a reminder of my Mysterious Angel, whether with my feelings or the distance between her and her dad or her eyes or her voice. On whole she reminded me of my angel. She wiped her eyes and cheek with the back of her hand not even bothered that her eyeliner and kajal would get smudged. One, she was not a girl who was worried about her makeup getting smudged or she knew it was smudge-proof and water proof. Now don't ask me how you know it is smudge-proof or not, I just guessed it because even after so much of crying it didn't even move an inch from where it was applied.

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