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I left from house trying to get the shit out of my head. I rode so fast. I wished I died but I couldn’t. I can’t even do that. If I did I would hurt everyone. I don’t want to die so easily. Not when I got the most wonderful woman as my wife. I’m getting my sister back. My family has got their real smiles.

I went home and the first thing that came from my mouth was, “Adiya!” I walked up the stairs as I called her name. She would have been near me by now. My mind already knew but I didn’t want to accept them. I walked faster to my room and found it empty. My heart panged. When I opened the wardrobe, I saw her side empty. Only a few were there. And I knew she left. There was a note. Which I didn’t want to look at. I know it would have the most hurting words and I wasn’t ready for that.

For an hour I have been looking at the note before me. Look at it! Maybe you get a clue! My heart cried. I don’t have the strength. I replied devastated. I finally gave up. My heart was right. At least I would know something. I opened, holding my breath.

Maybe this is the last time we speak. I know you’re sorry but I’m helpless. Each time I see you my heart bleeds. I’m not able to be like before and I know I can’t be. You mean(was scratched) meant the world to me. I tried everything in my power to love you again. I can’t be with a guy who can’t trust me. I trusted you blindly and I can’t trust you so much again. This is a goodbye. It isn’t hurting me to say goodbye to you. I feel better when I’m leaving. Hope you get a beautiful life. If some time you get another girlfriend who might become your wife, who knows, use your heart and don’t break another persons heart like mine. Because it’s the most difficult to gather.

Yours(scratched) Adiya

The few notes which we would exchange now and then would always have a yours (anything suitable for the day) and Adhu. Ever since she got to know the name, she kept using it. When I saw she didn’t use that, that hurt me. No I was numb after reading the letter.

It was dinner time and I was in my dark room with the note crushed in my hand. Tears rolled down and I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t even have the strength to wipe it off. The door cracked open. I looked up from my knee and Arjith poked his head. I hid my face back. He went to switch on the light. “Don’t” my hoarse voice said. It was weak. For the first time in my life I feel myself so weak that my voice sounds weak. He was shocked, I think. He sat down near me and saw I was holding something. He tried to take it but I pulled my hand away like a child pulling his candy from everyone to keep it safe. He withdrew. “Adi?” he asked and I looked up like I would kill him if he took her name. He nodded and kept quiet. “Leave me alone" I said. He came to say something but I looked at him and he understood. He got up and left after one last time looking at me.

It was midnight and again my door cracked open. “Don’t come in!” I said but he came in and switched on the light. He did the exact things which he knew I would hate it, at this moment. He sat near me and I kept glaring at me. “I told you to not come in" it was harsh now. “I never asked your permission!” he replied equally harsh. He too looked at the note and tried to reach it. I pulled away but that moron pulled my hand and snatched the note. “Get the hell out of here before I kill you!” I said but he didn’t react. He opened the note. “From Adi?” he asked and it hit my heart like a dagger.

I remained fuming until he finished reading it. “It hurt so much. She hurt you so badly with those words” he said and gained another glare. “I hurt her so badly!” I said correcting him. “Then why are you this way?”
“Because she is gone. She left!”
“Then what are you doing here?”
“What do you want me to do?”
“You know what I mean"
“And say her what? I don’t believe the shit she wrote in that freaking paper!?”
“Then you believe it?”
“Of course not!”
“That isn’t true!” he cut me off. “How do you say that?”
“Because when she said she don’t love me or she can’t trust me, those places have smudged with her tears damn it!”
“Then what are you believing and crying for?” he was right. “What do I do?” he shrugged with a raised eyebrow.

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