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After Y/n and Blu wake up they try to break the chain so they are pulling up a huge rock on a rope "Are you sure this is going to work?" Y/n asked. "Positive. Check out my math." Blu says then points to the map he's drawn on the ground

"Yeah, that's... that's comforting. Thank you. Look, let's just get this chain broken". "Right. Then we can go and find Linda" Blu said Happily." No, you can go find Linda. Once this chain is off, I'm going to go back to being free in the jungle Deal?" Y/n replied "Fine. Deal".Blu says then Screams as he puts one of his wings up accidentally, pulling the lever holding the rock off its hook. Blu and Y/n Groan "Nice try, brainiac".

Blu Gasps and says "I think something is watching us." Little chicks (A baby toucan is actually called a chick) come out and start squeaking. "Oh, be careful, Blu. They might snuggle you to death" Y/n says sarcastically.

"Oh" Blu says chuckling. "Aw, come here" Blu says trying to hug the chicks. "Intruders!" The chicks yell as they start to attack Blu and Y/n. "Now stop! Ow!" Blu screams, gulps, gags as a chick puts their head in his mouth "Ahh! No! No! Whoa. Whoa!" Y/n says tripping over a chick. "Help!" Blu says getting the chick out of his mouth.

"What's going on down there?" an Older toucan says flying down. Blu and Y/n Grunt "Go, go, go. Off with you. "Daddy! Daddy!" The chicks say flying towards the older toucan "Okay, guys, guys... I've told you thousand times. Manuela, Sofia, come on, now. Listen to me. Ow! Oh, yeah, right in the eye". "Oh, precious, aren't they?" Y/n says referring to the older toucan's children. The Toucan Chuckles "Kids? 17 of them, and one on the way, I'm Rafael." Then he turns to shout to two of his children shaking an unhatched egg "Hey! He's not a maraca! Stop shaking him!" He turned to Blu and Y/n Rafael children giggle.

"They're giving me gray feathers. Oh, this papa needs a break. So, you two lovebirds headed for Carnival?" Rafael asked winking playfully. "Whoa." Y/n says and Chuckles then she says "Lovebirds?" "Uh, we're more like acquaintance birds." Blu tried to explain "And not even that. We're more like chained-to-each-other birds." Y/n said scotting away from Blu "Yeah. I-I mean, if... Ow!"

Blu says as Rafeal's son yanks a feather out and giggles. "What is it with this kid and the feathers?" Blu asked rubbing where he took the feather out. "We have no idea. We're having him tested." Rafael said looking at his chicks.

"So, do you think you could help us get this thing off?" Y/n asked looking at the chain. "Hmm. Lucky for you, you know Rafael, and Rafael knows everyone." Rafael states before one of his children poke him in the eye. "Oh! Again with the eye. Okay, want me to call your mother?" "No!" Rafael's children flee away from them. Rafael Chuckles and says "Works every time. They're scared to death of her."

"Call me for what?!" A female toucan asked coming out of the tree. "Eva, my love." Rafeal Chuckles "I must take this young couple to see Luiz." Rafael says

"Luiz? Huh. You don't fool me for a second! You and your amigo just want to sneak off to Carnival." Eva said scoffing "Oh, Carnival. That magical time when I met the most beautiful bird in the world." He hugs Eva and blows an air kiss towards her. "Aw." Blu says "Ugh how 'sentimental'" Y/n said scoffing

"Ahh" Eve says lovingly. "I still remember the song that was playing when I first laid eyes on you." Rafeal says and starts singing ♪Tall and tanned and young and lovely♪ ♪ The girl from Ipanema♪ ♪Goes walking♪ Come on, baby, sing it! Eva starts singing Off-key ♪AnD wHeN sHe PaSsEs♪Blu Shudders Eva starts singing Off-key again ♪EaCh OnE sHe PaSsEs GoEs, "Ahh!"♪ as Eva sings out of tune Blu and Y/n wince as Eva sings. "Ooh! I guess love is deaf too." Y/n said as if it was a compliment.

"Come here" Rafeal says as he pulls Eva in for a kiss. Rafael and Eva's Chicks yell "Ew!" "Okay. Take them to Luiz, but hurry back". "You are an angel. I'll miss you, my juicy little mango."Oh, me, too, my pudgy papaya". "Ow! Ow!" A Chick yells as his brothers grabs his legs and hover him over the ground "Hey! Marco! Carlos! Put your brother down! Now!" They drop him and he falls and Flys after his brother. "I can't believe she actually let me go." Rafael said as he walked away so Eva couldn't hear "So, uh... how far is this Luiz?" Blu asked. "Not far. Thirty minutes as the crow flies." Rafeal stated looking around. "Uh... and how long as the macaw walks?" Blu asked nervously

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