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"Ugh. I'm going to chew through my own leg if this doesn't come off soon." Y/n yelled almost tripping Blu from yanking the chain. "Relax. If I know Luiz, we're right where we wanna be." Rafael said, looking at Y/n and Blu. "Hey, Rafi! If it isn't the king of carnival!" Nico said resting after flying. "Nico! Pedro! What up, family?" Rafael says looking at them. "Where you been hidin' yourself, bird?" Pedro said chuckling "Man, I thought you were dead!" Nico says then looks towards Pedro "Hold up! Rewind!" Pedro says going towards Blu "Ain't that the bird from the cage?"Pedro says looking at Nico "I think our love lessons went down smooth." Nico says elbowing Pedro. "You work fast!". "Baby got beak! You was locked up and now you're rollin' up with a hot wing! Woo! I wanna be like you!" Nico says "Oh, no, no! It's not what you think. We're just uh... chained together," Blu says

"Hey, I'm not judging you. Keep it spicy." Nico says winking. "Hey, guys. We're looking for Luiz. Have you seen him?" Rafael asks. "Yeah, I seen him, but you didn't, 'cause you just missed him. He took the trolley back to the garage." Pedro says looking at the trolley. "Oh, great." Y/n says annoyed."Relax, baby bird. You could catch the next one." Nico says " Yea, it's time to take it to the next level." Pedro says looking at Nico. "What's wrong with this level?" Blu asks confusedly. "Come on. This ain't the level. The next level's the level. You got to shake your tail feathers." Pedro says Nico then nods in agreement. "Uh, we... we got to get this chain off first." Blu says lifting his foot/claw/bird thing? "Come on, lovebirds. You're in Rio. You should enjoy it!" Rafael says trying to make them say sure. "Yeah, live a little." Nico says Little did they know Lead Marmoset was watching "Ah. Ooh. Hmm?" He Laughs "We got 'em." He says slying smirking


Dance music plays festive yelling Birds Laughs "Welcome to paradise." Nico says leading them in. "Some party, huh?" Rafael says looking around. As they enter a club full of birds dancing and thumping with music "This is the coolest place I've ever seen! Despite all the obvious health code violations." Blu says looking around too. "I like you! Nothing you say makes any sense!" Rafael says.

"E ai, galera? (What's up guys?) All right, everyone, listen up. Rafi has some special guests from out of town, and let's show them some love because I don't think they get out much." Nico yells "Ya, ya, ya, ya, yo! Everybody put their wings together and clap 'em as loud as you can. Flap 'em, clap 'em. I don't care, slap 'em."

"Party in the Ipanema, baby!"(play the song I don't feel like typing "What are you doing?" Y/n asks as Blu breaks out in a dance. "Uh, I don't know." As he continues dancing flashing back to when he was a baby bird dancing to the music. "All right, Blu! Hey, she likes you." Rafael says looking at Y/n smiling at Blu while dancing "What are you talking about? Haven't you been listening?" Blu asks still dancing."No, but I've been watching. Just be yourself. Go on Blu" Rafael says pushing Blu into Y/n they smile and lean in to kiss but is soon interrupted by the music stopping.

Everyone Gasps while a Little Green Bird "♪Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey?... ♪" The green bird says seeing Monkeys gather in. The Monkeys Chitter and hoot while walking towards them. The Lead Marmoset walks to the front where Y/n and Blu were while his chains clicked "You two are coming with me." "In your little monkey dreams," Y/n says as she spits on the ground. "Yeah!" Blu says agreeing and tries to spit too, but it sticks to his beak. He wipes it off. "Well, that was meant for you," Blu says wiping his beak. "Come on, can't we all just get along?" Rafael says side-hugging the Lead Marmoset. "This isn't your fight, Big Nose!"The marmosets laugh until one flamingo grabs Mauro's arm and glares at him. "You mess with my friends, you mess with me." "And us!" The other birds yell agreeing. "Yeah, little King Kong!" Pedro yells as The marmosets and birds have an intense stare-off. "I don't know what's going on here!" The little green bird yells in a panic and flies off. Pedro breaks off the stare-off and lets a battle cry "BIRDS VERSUS MONKEYS!!!" The birds' charge. "Get them!" The lead Marmoset yells The marmoset's charges in. They All Yell, grunt while fighting

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