Chapter 5

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She was right, unfortunately.

I realize that she is not welcome by the once inquisitive, previously silent beings now grumbling loudly as we wander past.

She stays close to my side as we walk, and I find myself shooting warning glances at anyone that dares to make a comment or a remark under their breath as we pass them. Swamp guy turned and trudged away from the bridge when we crossed, not even uttering a comment in his language or offering a wave. Even Ivan was considerably cool toward me as we passed his lovely path. He wandered up, smiling until he saw my companion beside me. His smile became a frown and he turned without another look, wandering back toward his home without a backward glance.

It's downright hostile and I have no idea why anyone would be so rude to someone who has shown me such kindness in my short time here. It makes no sense, but then again, this whole situation in which I find myself is unbelievable anyway.

"Here," I state, pointing to the small path overhung with a canopy of sickly twisted branches. I turn and begin to carefully pick my way through the path, looking behind me to find Ava hasn't moved.

"Come on," I encourage, and she shakes her head.

"I think this is a mistake," she replies in a tone not much above a whisper.

"Of course, it's not. We're here to help someone, remember? That's never a mistake."

I watch her tiny chest inflate then a quick whoosh of a sigh draws out of her mouth.

"This won't be pleasant," she adds.

"Trust me, I know. We'll just do this, and then I'll walk you back."

"But...your plan...the palace? What happened, you don't want to go there?" she asks.

"Of course, I do, but this is more important, don't you think?"

She says nothing, only stares at me for a few moments.

"You are very kind, Liz," she finally utters and a gentle smile forms on her face.

"So are you, Ava." We share a quick moment before I watch her straighten up and shake herself slightly.

"Let's get this over with," she breathes out as she walks toward me with a twist to her lips that confirms her lack of enthusiasm.

I turn and carefully continue my slow creep through the mess of sharp twigs. As soon as I manage to reach the clearing, I don't gasp at the beautiful home before me. Instead, my quick intake of breath comes from the sight of mushrooms everywhere. They are clustered close to the area where I planted Ivan's, but they have spread sporadically towards the back of the home, gracing the small terraces that are visible to me beyond the structure.

It's so incredibly beautiful that I temporarily forget that somewhere in this gorgeous spot is a cantankerous, injured man. A fire is crackling in the pit in front of his home so I'm sure he's here somewhere.

"Wow," I hear Ava gasp out next to me and I wholeheartedly agree.

"They must have spread," I mutter. They are all bulbous and luminescent, almost transparent and beautifully delicate in iridescent shades of blue, green and purple.

"You're back," I hear behind me and I turn to view his small, but bulky frame wandering from the woods. He is shirtless, wearing only his well-worn pants sans bandage. There isn't an ounce of fat on his body that I can see, only ripped muscle incased in his strangely colored skin.

" brought someone? What did you bring her for?" he says, looking at my companion with confusion etched on his face.

"This is Ava. She's going to look at your leg."

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