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It's amazing, the effect that unconditional love can have on a former grump, especially when said former grump demonstrates his feelings by changing your surroundings in the most wonderful ways possible.

Each day, I feel like there's something new that amazes me and makes me love him more. He's still a sarcastic tool, every once in a while, and that's Ok. I have always been up to the task of returning his snark and then some. I know that pleases him because he gives me that surrounding warmth and squeeze whenever my smart mouth shoots back something at him. He admitted that was what initially caught his interest and kept him coming back. Apparently, no one ever did that, and why would they? He's Death – quite possibly the scariest dude ever.

We've had some temporary visitors and I've finally figured out the reason why everyone in a comatose state doesn't come here. There's a fine line between pain and purpose, just enough to teeter them on the brink of truly wanting to end it all or remain in their previous existence. In my case, I had the pain held inside me, but in reality; all I did was make a fatal err in judgement. It's the same for the others that come here, I realize, and I explain that to them to help make this situation more bearable. Some believe me, some don't, but I like to take credit for keeping the instances of inconsolable grief and confusion to a minimum. I am always happy to see them go and I have not had one come back to stay permanently, I'm glad to say.

We've had quite an influx of newly permanent inhabitants, just like I predicted we would. Most people prefer not to talk about what drove them here and many want a new name to match their new existence and according to Krit, I've come up with some doozies.

As for Krit, while he professes to hating this nickname I've bestowed upon him, we haven't been able to agree on any of a list of his names – and there are quite a few.

Anpu just didn't work for me. Any name with 'poo' in it is not a winner, in my book. Au Puch wasn't much of a choice either. Anubis, Lefu, Khentimentiu – that one didn't quite roll off the tongue but when I tried to shorten it to Ken, he insisted I change mine to Barbie and just...no.

Chiwa, Thanatos, Sephtis, Mabuz, Hazarmaveth...

So, as you can see, the name Krit is not so bad and it makes him uniquely mine. I tell him that and I usually receive an exaggerated roll of his gorgeous gray eyes right before he pulls me to him and kisses my forehead and tells me I'm crazy.

I am crazy. Crazy in love with this guy. I think it's quite possible that we were made for each other and maybe it's a bit strange when I think I had to come here to find the love of my life, er...death, whatever.

He finally relented and revealed his true self to me after some poking and prodding and by poking and prodding, I mean bugging the ever-living crap out of him. To say he's scary is an understatement. Terror inducing? That might be a better term. I've never seen anything so morbid, macabre and ominous that it left me stunned and gaping. I must be nuts, because after the initial shock, I was kind of turned on.

I've figured out other things, too.

I know that even though he is immensely powerful, he can only control so much in this realm when he leaves. Keeping the wall intact takes quite a bit of his power, so it turns dark and sometimes the things he creates die until he comes back.

He used to keep his front door protected, but he doesn't do that anymore. Anyone is free to come and go while he's here and when he's away. The front gate is always open now. Scratch that, not always open. Sometimes we need some alone time, for obvious reasons...

I know he created the palace and added on to it as people started to trickle into his domain. That was until the trickle became a stream and then a full-on flood. In his frustration, he banned everyone and closed himself off as more and more inhabitants arrived. Even so, he knowingly kept those two entrances to the basement open, just in case, and he created that small opening in the wall for people like my former self to be able to escape. So even though he was a jerk, he was still a benevolent jerk.

He's not a jerk anymore, I am happy to say.

Believe it or not, he is now more of a willing participant in our festivities and not once has anyone run away like they used to. Even the newbies get the gist, partly because people communicate and partly because Krit is what I would call approachable now. He's still a bit intimidating to new arrivals, but not nearly as bad as he used to be. I like to take full credit for that.

There are so many incredibly talented people residing here, it makes my head spin. Chefs, singers, dancers, musicians, clothing designers, inventors, artists, authors, actors, builders, farmers, even a guy that is currently writing a play that has everyone in a tizzy to help produce and enact. So many people, some that I have a sneaking suspicion as to their real identities – extremely famous people that I won't press (even though I really want to know).

There are a few other developments.

We have a Walmart now.

Ok, not a real Walmart but I call it that, much to Krit's amusement. It's sort of an open-air marketplace set up for people to barter goods and services with each other. It just made sense and it didn't take much of a push to get it going. It seems to keep everyone busy and busy is a good thing around here.

Me? I still try and help people when I can, but I guess my real talent is keeping Krit on an even keel. When he's content, this place is content, and the longer-term inhabitants thank me every day for this.

It's not much of a chore, keeping him happy. I know when he's been gone for a longer than normal time frame; he will come back, find me, carry me off somewhere and hold me in silence for a long time. I can definitely deal with that. Especially when he kisses me, and things get all hot and heavy like they normally do.

We find a certain strength in each other. It's a partnership of sorts, and there is never a moment when I regret what I did. I have cherished memories of my parents and Jen. I'm too preoccupied with what's happening here to dwell on my life other than that.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks and my eyes dart to his.

"Say what?" I answer absently as I blink hard to clear my head.

"You were like," he stares off to a place beyond my shoulder with the most unflattering, open mouth gape and glazed over, moony eyes.

"I was not! I don't look that stupid," I insist as I push up and off my perch on the stone railing surrounding the front porch.

"I may have exaggerated a bit. Are you coming to this thing or what?" he asks, and I am momentarily lost as to what he's referring to.

"Oh!" I exclaim as I remember before clapping my hands excitedly. He has a wedding to perform and when I say perform, I mean it.

I don't know how many people he's married but the vows keep getting more and more outrageous. I don't stomp off anymore in frustration. I laugh so hard, I cry and so does everyone else.

Today, we're marrying Peter, the former grouch with the phallic nose and Marina, a somewhat new arrival that reminds me of a fish. I knew it was love at first sight, partly because she couldn't take her eyes off him and partly because as soon as he saw her, his nose sort of sprung up. Boing! Talk about an interesting honeymoon night, that's all I have to say...

"Come on, darling, they're all waiting," he says as he grasps my hand gently and I follow quite willingly.

He stops abruptly and turns toward me, quickly enfolding me close to his body and I'm sure we're about to zap to the ceremony, but he surprises me by lowering his head and planting the softest kiss on my ever-receptive lips.

"I love you," he whispers as he pulls back, and I view the twinkle in his gray eyes.

I don't say it back, like I normally do. Instead, I pull his head down toward me and pour every ounce of feeling I have for him in my kiss.

He takes over, like he always does, and I know, this wedding ceremony is going to have to wait just a little longer.

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