Chapter 2

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heads up this chapter may be a bit short since i have to go somewhere today! and im not sure if ill be able to post another part tomorrow! okok onto the story
(also credit to the artist on the picture above)
Clowny POV

I woke up to find Foxy laying next to me. I got flustered. But I couldn't move, or else I'd wake him up. So I didn't. I just laid there. I checked the time- It was 7am. I should get up now and start getting ready for the show- then I remembered the events of yesterday. I curled up a little more. I was going to miss the show. Well- maybe I should stop being so dramatic. The show is only cancelled until I'm feeling better, so I just have to do everything I can to get better. I heard Foxy grunt and shift around a little. "Foxy" I whispered, in case he was just moving around in his sleep. "Are you awake?"
He moved to face me and his eyes fluttered open. As soon as his eyes realized that I was laying next to him he turned red and yelled- then fell off the bed. I giggled. "Are you okay-?" I asked, holding back laughter. "Mmmm- Yeah, I'm fine." He muttered, clearly unamused by my laughter. "Stop laughing!!" He said, still blushing. That just made me laugh harder. "Stoooop!!" He persisted. "Hehe- B-But it's so funny!" I said, stuttering from laughter. Foxy got up and hugged me, me still laughing. I hugged him back, calming down a bit, but still giggling softly. "Do you want breakfast? We have the whole carnival to ourselves today so you can have anything you want. I know you usually skip breakfast, but that's not healthy.." Foxy asked. I smiled. "Sure! Let's go get some breakfast." I agreed.

We walked to the breakfast stand- well, I skipped and Foxy walked. When we got there, there was obviously no one there, so we just took the food without paying. I got two pancakes and orange juice and Foxy got a corn dog thing but instead of a hotdog it was a sausage wrapped in a pancake! (I've had those before they're so goooood) "So what should we do, now that we don't have to worry about the show for a while?" I asked, almost excited of what we could get into. When I was a kid, I was always labeled 'the troublemaker' and I used to be bothered by it, but I've just decided to embrace it. Foxy doesn't like when I get into trouble because he doesn't like being the centre of attention, but I do it anyway. "Well, we could ride some of the rides-" He lowered his voice to a whisper, even though there was no one there. "-and we don't have to pay," He finished. My eyes lit up. "Really?! Can we go on the big rollercoaster?!" I asked excitedly. He nodded. I jumped up and down like a little kid and ran over to the ride.

Foxy POV

I looked at Clowny with a warm smile. I had no idea that almost losing the only person you have could have made you so attached to them. But, here we are. Clowny skipped over to the rollercoaster, a big smile on his face. "Uh, Foxy- Can you help me?" Clowny asked. "Oh, yeah. Just a sec." I said, walking a bit faster. "What do you need help with?" I asked. "I can't turn it on without money!!" Clowny complained. "Okay, okay, give me a minute. Let me see.." I said, trying to figure out how to get it working. "Aha! There's a manual pull thing over here to start it, but we need a key to get in..." I discovered. "What color key?" Clowny asked, pulling out a key ring. "Green" I answered. He looked through the ring of keys and finally found the one he was looking for. "Here you go" Clowny said, handing me the key and a big smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back. I put the key in the lock and it opened. "Alright, here we are!" I said, finding the lever. Clowny looked kinda sad. "Hey, what's wrong? We found a way to get you on the ride!" I said. "B-But, I wanted you to get on it with me..." He pouted. "Hmm... Maybe I can have something else pull the lever for me," I suggested. "Wait, no, that's a dumb idea. Is there, like, a countdown to this?" I said, examining it. "I think so!" Clowny said, remembering. "There used to be a guy that worked at that lever, but since we made it so that you just have to put money in and go, there was no need for him. I'm pretttyyyy sure that there's a countdown. Well, only one way to find out!" Clowny said. "Okay, get in and I'll try to make it in with you, okay?" I said, hand on the lever. "Okay, I'm in!" Clowny said, his voice sounding far away. "Alright!" I said, pulling the lever. Sure enough, there was a 20-second countdown. As soon as I pulled it, I ran over. By the time it got to 10, I was in the seat trying to buckle in. At 17, I was buckled with 3 seconds to spare. We both smiled at each other. The ride started and we screamed a lot, but it was fun! I've had a few bad experiences with rollercoasters, but this one was a blast. I'm not sure if it was because Clowny was there, or what. But all I know is that I can't wait to be able to hug him again.

all right so sorry this chapter's a bit shorter than chapter 1. tomorrow i'm not sure I'll be able to post, so don't be surprised if I don't. Also, I know this is way earlier than 3pm lol

word count: 1002 words

"The infection" Clowny x FoxyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя