Episode 6

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Hey guys!! EPISODE 6 CAME OUT! I would love to talk about it! But spoilers ahead. So if you haven't watched it and don't want spoilers please stop reading

Last warning


Ok. First things first, the animation! It's amazing!! Seriously, how does she do it?? I spent a solid 15 minutes looking at Milly's eyes and thinking of how great they looked.


Sean got so much screen time! Out of everyone in the club Sean was the one who gets the least amount of screen time. So with this episode pretty much about Sean he got so much more of the screen time he deserves! He's one of my favourite characters now. Also what he said about his parents fighting all the time to even notice that his laptop is missing is HELLA SAD. I'm gonna go out and say that it made me cry, and that Sean deserves only the best.

-All the Lander moments

Now that Luke and Zander are officially a thing we got to see them as a couple! And boy are they adorable. Them holding hands, Zander wearing Luke's scarf, having cute names for each other!!! It's too much! Everything and more that I could ask for.

-Hailey and Zander's family

I had already seen the spoiler with Hailey's Dad (Michele) Zander's Mom (Sharron) and Bethany, but I got to see a little bit more and learn so much about them! Bethany is honestly the cutest thing on this planet and is too pure for this world. Michele is such a wonderful dad and I learn that he taught Hailey everything she knows! AND OH BOY SHARRON!! I already knew I would love her from the moment I saw her!! I am convinced she is literally Rosy in TMF world (and she's voiced by Rosy). Also their interactions as a family! I can tell Hailey and Zander really love their step parents and treat them like their biological parents. Which honestly was amazing to see. Their parents embarrassing them and looking out for them. And oh my gosh the part when Sharron told Luke he could call her Mom!!! (I literally screamed) Anyway I love this little family so much and hope to see not only more of them but of the other characters families as well!


The whole time I was also thinking about Drew. I knew he was already sad before this episode, Y'know with Jake joining the music club and all that jazz. But this episode made me see how much he is hurting. First of all, his best friend joined a club full of people he doesn't really like for a girl. Then, he ditched him to hangout with them, and his best friend lied to him. I also think he suspects that Zoey is cheating on him. But omg just the look in his eyes when he was at the mall was heart breaking. Then he still tries to hangout with Jake and the bitch just completely ignores him and his feelings and doesn't even bother to text back! I swear if Jake doesn't hangout with Drew more or make him feel loved and appreciated, I will cry my eyes out for this poor boy and then procee to scream at a picture of Jake for 1 hour. But in all seriousness Drew needs help and love 🥺

-Sean and Jake's friendship

Sean has always been friendly to Jake, hell when Jake first joined he was the most kind to him out of pretty much everyone. But their bonds in this episode were gold. When he offered Sean his laptop I almost cried because it was so sweet (and Sean was crying) Then they fist bumped and had a friendly conversation about music stuff. Their friendship has strengthened so much in this episode and I absolutely loved it. I really enjoy watching how close Jake is becoming with all of them and all the things he goes through to do stuff for them! I adore Jake and Sean's friendship and can't wait for him to get even closer with not only Sean but everyone else (And hopefully Drew)

-Theories (Kinda shitty theory though)

So at the end of the episode we find Sean's laptop right? But like Sean said, where was it??? Me and my friend have a theory. We think that Daisy found it and called Zander that she has the laptop (She may have opened it or just looked at the type of laptop and recognised it from when she had that interaction with Sean a few episodes ago) and then she will come and return it and it will be awkward with Jake, Sean, and Daisy. Well that's one of our theories. It kind of makes sense because Sean has a connection with Daisy, and this episode is about him. This episode is also about Jake strengthening his friendship with Sean. So they might have to sit down and talk about Daisy. But not only that I really want to see Daisy again, we haven't seen her in so long. But what do you guys think? Where do you think they found the laptop? This is just me and my friends theory.

Well that's all I have to say for now. I will write another one shot as soon as I can! Possibly about Shannon and Michele! Probably about them. Hope you enjoyed my random thought about this episode. It was so worth the wait (but Rosy should definitely take her time and, as Shannon said, "You will take a break. You should enjoy your weekend for goodness sake") And I'll have you know, I'm not dead! Well happy summer vacation! Get some rest! Or stay up all night watching anime/cartoons for all I care.

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