Quiet in the Library

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"Thank you Mrs. Davidson!" I called out, waving to the old woman as she approached the exit of the library.

She turned around with the most gorgeous lopsided smile ever. I love old people. She held her finger up to her mouth in a hush. "Quiet in the library," she scolded. "You tell Miles he owes you for helping, that boy doesn't take a break."

Mrs. Davidson owned this library, a proud, healthy old woman that stood tall. But with old age comes only so much you can do. Her grandson, Miles, was always her help, he was an absolute sweetheart. I figured helping him out wouldn't be so bad, just some Saturday night clean up. He was always so adamant about being a support beam, bless his heart.

"Sure thing." I gave her a cheeky grin, waving at her retreat.

When she left, it was only Miles and I left in the building. The massive walls of books casting dark shadows, dim lighting heating the table area in a subtle glow. I took the cart full of books and started towards the shelves that had enough light to see. I was too lazy to walk all the way across the room to turn the lights on.

After a few minutes, Miles came trotting down the stairs. I couldn't see him, but I heard. I wasn't even sure he knew I was here, Mrs. Davidson only asked me to stay because he was always alone.

I accidentally dropped a thick book and it thudded the carpet with a loud boom. "Shit," I cursed. I hated dropping books on the ground, it felt disrespectful. These babies deserved none of it.

"Hello?" Miles called out.

I picked up the book and left the shelter provided by the shelf with a wave in his direction. "Mrs. Davidson asked me to stay and help."

He looked at me, confounded. "Oh, uh- sorry," he sheepishly walked towards me. "She didn't tell me."

He was... well, adorable. Adorable shoved into a fully grown man's body. He was nearly six foot with messy brunette hair and seductively soft features. He was sexy without even trying. He had a tongue ring that he would mess with when angsty— what he was doing now. It was hot. He was pretty introverted, I only got to talk to him directly a select few times.

Actually, his grandma let me in on a little secret a few months ago that had been chewing at me.

"It's fine." I smiled, he barely grinned back. "She says you owe me."

He averted his eyes, stepping past me and grabbing some books. "What nana says, goes," he insisted. "I'll sneak you some of her brownies."

I unintentionally drew in an audible breath. "You swear?" Mrs. Davidson made the absolute best chocolate-oozing brownies my taste buds had ever come in contact with. I was practically obsessed... she had to put a limit on me.

"Swear," he chuckled, reaching up to put books on the higher shelves. "She keeps leftovers in her fridge, I can grab some tomorrow."

I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his torso in happiness. "Consider me repaid."

As quick as the one-sided hug happened, it was over. He had his arms awkwardly held away from me like I was infected with something. I gave him a content smile. The surprise on his face was so blatant that I almost felt embarrassed.

I just happened to be a little more open than he was- maybe a lot. I had a thing for invading personal space... it was a work in progress.

"Sorry." I handed him the book I dropped. "I can't reach the shelf."

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