the j

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Glitched, Animal, and the j (Andrea) were back from genocide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"wtf we do" animal dabbed in the void

"uhhhhhhhhhhhh theft" andrea suggested

"no eww wtf we wont steal fetuses" glitch said, she vored infants before because of rhys from family guy


the funnies spinned to a farm


"yes the farmer is a hoe because he touches cow tiddies" andrea made a sheldon cooper reference (from big bang theory!!!!)

"the j"

"the j"

"the j"

theh trio approached farmer joe biden and threatened him with a rubber chciken

"the cheknen contains many chemiclas of the" the andrea poked his eye with it

"no pls, ill bring rhys and glicace!!!!!!!!" joe slapped the trio of the egg

rhys and glaicer appeared in front of them

"just let joe biden touch cows ffs /srs" glaicer dropkicked rhys to da dababy moon and their brother animal to andrea's funny car

":(" went glitched, she brought back the funnies and slammed them to the ground



"fuck it we're committing theft" animal announced, he grabbed glitched and andrea

glitched, animal, and andrea grabbed the cows one by one slowly so that farmer joe can cry about it

and they drank the milk via udder to mouth ehhehehehe

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