Chapter 3

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Three days. Three more days until the Lantern Rite Festival. Yanfei could also see people getting ready for it, seeing excited faces on the children. Watching the adults decorate their houses. Yanfei wished to spend that time with Hu Tao, maybe she could finally confess to her. Yanfei's feelings got in the way more than usual during they're last visits. Her heart raced every time she looked up at Hu Tao, even stopping herself from grabbing her hand, wanting to claim her.

Today, Yanfei was invited to Hu Tao's house for dinner. As happy as Yanfei was, she was nervous. This would be her first time being in Hu Tao's house. She could already imagine what it would look from the inside. The dark colors, resembling something close to death. She did work at a Funeral Parlor after all, she didn't expect to see bright colors like pink or yellow.

As Yanfei raised her hand to knock on the door, her heart started pounding. She closed her eyes, taking a minute to contain herself, ordering herself to not do anything stupid.

She finally knocked on the door, three times to be exact. It only took a few minutes for Yanfei to hear footsteps coming towards the door. She lifted her head, looking away from the ground as the front door opens, revealing Hu Tao in a short, red dress. The design was simple and was perfect for Hu Tao. Her waist was small, same for her stomach and chest, it fit her perfectly.

Hu Tao let out a nervous chuckle, noticing Yanfei's stare. She quickly looked up, smiling shyly, clearly embarrassed from being caught as her face heats up. "I'm glad you could make it, I'm almost finished with dinner, please come in." She opens the door wide enough for Yanfei to slip in.

She looked around, clearly amazed with the design and colors Hu Tao went for. She didn't expect Hu Tao's house to be so.. modern, so simple. She almost forgot Hu Tao worked at a Funeral Parlor, the house was nothing how she imagined it would be.

Hu Tao walks back into what Yanfei thinks is the kitchen. Not knowing her surroundings well, she decided to follow. "I hope you don't mind what I'm wearing, I didn't want to go all out, but I also didn't want to wear something simple like a shirt and pants." She smiles, grabbing some kitchen supplies, walking over to a pot. Yanfei walked over to the pot as well, looking down seeing random vegetables and meat, knowing straight away that it's soup. "I don't mind at all, in fact you look very beautiful-" Yanfei quickly stops herself, her eyes widening as she looks away. Great Yanfei, you just don't know how to keep your mouth shut. Hu Tao's cheeks turn a faint pink as she stirs the soup. "You really think so..? Well, I think you look beautiful as well." Her voice almost turned into a whisper, not used to the compliment and complimenting others.

Yanfei's face heats up once more as she looks up at Hu Tao. Her eyes land on one of Hu Tao's hands. Pale, her hand was really pale, and.. fragile. Yanfei clenched her hands, trying to stop herself from reaching out. Her body didn't listen as her hand reached out to grab Hu Tao's, intertwining their fingers. Her hands were cold, giving Yanfei a lonely feeling. They was soft as well, making Yanfei crack a smile. Hu Tao must have never held someone's hand before from the way she reacted.

She looks up at Yanfei, her eyes widening slightly as her hand begins to tremble lightly. Yanfei notices small tears forming in Hu Tao's eyes, making her worry. Hu Tao drops the spoon she was using to stir the soup as Yanfei pulls her into a tight hug. "What's wrong, did I do something?" She whispers to Hu Tao, earning a tight squeeze from her. Hu Tao struggles to form words as her tears begin to make their way down her face.

A few minutes went by, listening to the sniffles and choked sobs from Hu Tao. Yanfei rubbed her back, trying her best to calm Hu Tao down from this sudden reaction. Hearing her cry made Yanfei's heart ache, she didn't want Hu Tao to be in this state. Somewhere in the back of Yanfei's mind informed herself that it was her fault for making Hu Tao cry. The thought sent Yanfei into a sudden panic as she grips harder onto Hu Tao, closing her eyes shut as she tries to not break down herself.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to cry in front of you like this," she stops for a second, trying to catch her breath, still trying to not choke on her sobs. "I was just not used to receiving someone's touch." The thought alone broke Yanfei as she opened her eyes, the field of her vision becoming blurry.

Hu Tao was the first to break the hug as she heard Yanfei start to cry. She placed her hands on Yanfei's cheeks, wanting to comfort her. "Hey, don't cry because of me-" Yanfei quickly cut her off as she leaned in, pressing her lips onto hers. Yanfei grabs Hu Tao's waist, pulling her closer as their tears mixed. Both of their sobs died down as they tried to deepen the kiss. Hu Tao opened her mouth slightly, giving Yanfei permission to claim her. As they both claimed one another, Hu Tao was the first to give up on their small game of dominance with their tongues, earning a sly smirk from Yanfei.

It wasn't long until Hu Tao broke the kiss, gaining back oxygen as she looks up at Yanfei, panting quietly. She frowned as she pressed her body on Yanfei's. Her mouth felt empty, wanting to receive the warmth she felt as they held one another, kissing passionately. "Yanfei.. please.." She begged quietly, gripping onto her shirt as she looked into her eyes. Yanfei could see the desire in Hu Tao's eyes, knowing that she wanted them to continue. She smiled down at her before looking back at the pot of soup, not wanting to burn it. "Not now, we wouldn't want to burn the food."

Food was the last thing on Hu Tao's mind as she looked over at the soup. She quickly came to her senses as she let go of Yanfei's shirt, crouching down to grab the spoon she dropped. She throws the spoon in the sink before grabbing a new one, stirring the soup once more before turning the stove off.

She stayed quiet for a minute before grabbing a bowl for both of them. They both made their way towards the dining table as they both sat down, both across from each other. Yanfei was the first to break the silence as she ate from her plate. "Woah, I didn't expect you to be this skilled at cooking, considering the things I heard from Mr. Zhongli." Hu Tao quickly looked over at her as her own face became heated. "I tried my best, I thought of you the whole time while making it.." She mumbles the last part, not audible for the other to hear. Yanfei gives her a questioning look before eating once more. It took Hu Tao a minute to realize how hard her heart was pounding as she quickly took deep breaths, calming herself down.

Zhongli, you wouldn't believe it but.. I think I've fallen for someone.

Death is a weird concept || Yanfei x Hu Tao ffWhere stories live. Discover now