Chapter 5

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Hi, I apologize for the wait again. I've been focusing on school and have been losing the motivation to write once again, smh. Anyway, enjoy the last chapter!


"Are you coming Yanfei?" The girl questions, turning around as she walks backwards. "Hu Tao please, you're going to run into someone.." The other comments just as Hu Tao bumps into a person, both of them collapsing. Yanfei sighs, shaking her head as she walks over to them both, helping them up. "Sorry about that.." The smaller girl apologies, bowing slightly to the man in front of her.

"Ugh.. just make sure it doesn't happen again." He rolls his eyes as he gives both the girls a glare. "Damn, what's your problem?" Hu Tao raises her voice, crossing her arms as she gets defensive. "And don't talk to my girlfriend in such a way." Yanfei glances over at Hu Tao with a questioning look before her focus was on the man again. He gives them both a disgusted look as he quickly walks away as if they was infected by some sort of disease.

Hu Tao turns to face Yanfei once more, clearly pissed by the whole situation. "Hey, don't listen to some low life guy like him." She gently grabs Yanfei's hand, dragging her quickly over to the spot they planned to sit down and relax by. 

"Hu Tao.. what was that about?" Yanfei questions as they sit down in the grass, the opening of the sea facing them. The other girl turns her gaze, the flower design in her eyes lit up with a spark. "The girlfriend thing? Well it's true, right..?" Yanfei couldn't help but smile, grabbing the girl as she leans in for a kiss. The younger responds, chuckling as they both had a quick make out session.

"Oh look what we have here, two love birds~!" The two girls pull away in shock, looking over at the one and only Beidou. "Ugh, Beidou that's enough. Stop teasing the poor girls!" Says the rich woman, known as Ningguang. The Captain of The Crux turns to look at her wife, laughing in response. "When did you guys show up?" Yanfei questions, pulling the smaller girl in her embrace. Beidou turns to them again, giving them her signature smile. "Well, we wanted to come watch the Lantern Rite Festival together this year, it's only coincidence that we ended up meeting you two lesbians here."

Ningguang pops the back of Beidou's head, earning a whine in response. "I said that was enough teasing." She says, strictness showing in her voice. Holy shit, that woman is scary. Yanfei thought, noticing Hu Tao's grip on her hand becoming tighter. "Come on Ningguang, look at them! They're a blushing mess right now!" That earned her another slap to the head.

Anyway, they both sit down next to the two lovebirds. Hu Tao leans her head on Yanfei's shoulder, waiting patiently for Lantern Rite to start any minute now.

It was quiet for a short while, the sounds of faint breathing and the gentle wind passing by was the only thing heard. That was, until Beidou let out a quiet gasp. Yanfei quickly looked up at the sky, bright lights started to form everywhere. Her eyes widened, amazed by the beauty in front of her eyes. Hu Tao let out a quiet squeal, hyper as always. "Do you see that?!?!" The boss of the Funeral Parlor asked, excitement radiating off of her. She pointed at the lanterns, a big smile forming on her face.

Yanfei's eyes landed on the girl, her own heart racing from how beautiful and cute the girl looked in this moment. Behind them, Beidou was giggling as Ningguang had her arms crossed, eyes closed. It seemed like she was focusing on something, but Yanfei couldn't understand what it was. Beidou on the other hand, was having the time of her life, telling some jokes that no one laughed at but her. A small smile formed on Yanfei's face, enjoying the moment.

"Guys, look!" Hu Tao squealed, pointing up at the sky once more as she bounced around. They all turned their attention to the sky, hearing a loud bang. Hu Tao became wide eyed, watching as multiple fireworks shot up. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Ningguang asked, keeping her focus on the fireworks as she ignored her surroundings. Yanfei nodded, slowly reaching her hand out to grab Hu Tao's. The girl stumbled, landing on the lawyer's lap. A small chuckle escapes as she looks up at Yanfei. The lawyer shook her head, smiling down at the woman. She gently lifts her up, placing a gentle kiss on the other woman's cheek. Hu Tao's face heated up as she wrapped her arms around Yanfei.

"I love you, Yanfei" Hu Tao said, placing her lips on the lawyer's.  One last bang erupted, clapping from the Liyuean citizens heard in the distance.


Beidou and Ningguang left after the fireworks, leaving the two of them alone. Yanfei invited to walk Hu Tao home. Hu Tao insisted, saying she could walk home alone. "Come on, you need rest Yanfei-" The girl was cut off, Yanfei pitching in. "Now why would I make my girlfriend walk home alone, in the night might I add." The other couldn't help but laugh. "Alright fine, come walk me home." Hu Tao was very easy to give in.

Time has passed, and Yanfei's legs was in pain from the amount of walking. For some reason, Hu Tao lived far away from the place she worked. In the middle of nowhere, a forest surrounding her small cottage. It was a beautiful place, but the amount of walking was unbearable. How could such a girl do this every day. "We're almost there." Hu Tao said, continuing to walk in front of her. She knew the lawyer was in pain, which is why she walked faster, wanting them to get there quickly.

Yanfei sighed in relief, perhaps she'll stay at Hu Tao's tonight. She was very exhausted from the very long day.

A loud thump was heard as Yanfei turned her gaze to the ground. Her eyes widened as she screamed in fear. Hu Tao had collapsed in front of the lawyer. Yanfei quickly ran to her side, lifting up her half conscious body. "Hu Tao! Hu Tao, speak to me!" Yanfei called out, holding onto the woman tighter. Hu Tao's eyes slowly opened, glancing up at the girl calling out for her.

What is Yanfei doing? Why does she seem so upset, did I do something? Hu Tao's mind thought, not able to make out what her significant other was saying. A loud thunder was heard in the distance as Yanfei began shaking the girl in her arms. "Come on Hu Tao, what's wrong?!? Speak to me!" Tears began to fill the rim of her vision. Panic formed inside her as her heart started to ache.

Hu Tao gently grabbed onto Yanfei's hand, a small smile forming on her face. Yanfei gasped at the sudden drop of temperature. Hu Tao's hand was like ice, showing no sign of warmth. "Yanfei, I'm alright-" She was interrupted, coughing as Yanfei yelled in fear. "No, you're not alright, what happened to you!?" The other girl wasn't able to answer as she was coughing into her hand.

"Hey, stay with me, please!" Yanfei cupped Hu Tao's cheeks, confusion and panic started to eat her up inside. Her heart raced as her breathing became rapid. Hu Tao stared into the lawyer's eyes, not knowing what was happening around her. Yanfei noticed the flowers in her eyes started to fade. "I'm feeling quite sleepy, maybe I should close my eyes for a bit.." She mumbled, her eyes starting to flutter. "No no no, Hu Tao don't sleep just yet, I have to take you to the hospital."

Hu Tao's eyes slowly closed as her breathing stopped. Yanfei noticed the sudden change, not able to feel her pulse. She stared at the girl in her arms, not able to comprehend what just occurred. Yanfei looked up, her clothes started to damp as rain began to pour. Hot tears streamed down her face. At this point she couldn't tell what emotions she felt. Grief? Distress? Pain? This was all too sudden for her.

She cried out, screaming as Hu Tao fell out of her arms. She began weakly hitting the corpse of her significant lover. "Why.. why why.." She choked out, collapsing into Hu Tao's chest. Her choked cries became muffled as her heart pounded. 

The loud rain drowned out Yanfei's screams and cries inside the dark forest.

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