Wrestlemania 32

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April 3rd, 2016

The match between Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte Flair has been going on as everyone in the crowd wonders who will win the New Women's Championship, presented earlier by the Queen of Extreme, Lita. Charlotte's father, Ric, is at ringside, cheering for his daughter, and looking for a way to help her win.

All three women had used every move in their arsenal, even Sasha using her hero, Eddie Guerrero's famous Frog Splash, who also inspired her current ring attire.

At the climax, Banks has Lynch in the Bank Statement, trying to win the match. Then Charlotte breaks the hold and sends Sasha out of the ring. Flair grabs onto Becky's legs and locks in the Figure 8. Everyone knows that there's no escape from this hold.

Sasha tries to get back inside, but Ric grabs her leg, preventing her from getting closer to break the hold. Becky couldn't hold it any longer and starts to tap until the referee was pulled out of the ring.

Michael Coke: What the hell?!

JBL: What is going on?!

Everyone looks to see a figure in a Black Tiger luchador mask pulls the ref out and knocks him out with a right hook.

Bryon: That man just knocked out the referee!

JBL: Just when Charlotte was about to win!

Charlotte lets go of Becky and stare at the figure in shock and anger. Ric and Sasha look in confusion and surprise. Then the figure grabs the referee's shirt and pulls it off before putting it on himself.

Michael: Wait, is he going to be referee here?

JBL: Someone get security on this guy! He just assaulted an official!

The figure enters the ring as Charlotte stands up and goes up to his face.

Charlotte: Who the hell do you think you are?! You prevent me from reaching my moment, you asshole!

The figure just rolls his eyes and waves her off. Charlotte gets angry and pushes him in fury.

Charlotte: Don't ignore me, you masked freak!

The figure chuckles as Charlotte just scoffs and turns around to focus on Becky. The masked man looks at her before bringing his arm up and smacks her in the butt. Charlotte yelps in shock by the slap as everyone looks on in shock, disbelief, and even laughter.

JBL: He just smacks Charlotte from her behind! Someone get the police on him!

Byron: Oh, Charlotte is not too happy about this.

He's right. Charlotte slowly turns back towards the masked man and glares at him. The masked luchador was look left to right before gesturing himself, acting dumb.

Michael: That is one pretty bold individual to do that to Ric's daughter.

JBL: A perverted one, and he did that in front of her father. Talk about being disgusting and humiliating Charlotte.

Charlotte starts yelling at him, as he mocks her yells will 'blah, blah, blah', and the crowd laughs. Charlotte gets fed up and goes to slap him, only for Sasha to grab her from behind and hits a backstabber.

JBL: No!

Byron: Backstabber!

Sasha rolls Charlotte up and locks in the Bank Statement! The crowd pops as the luchador checks on Charlotte to see if she taps out.

Cole: Bank Statement! Sasha has the Bank Statement on Charlotte!

JBL: This is a travesty! That man caused this to happen!

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