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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this story.

April 4

Raw started as everyone was excited for tonight as it was the Raw after Wrestlemania. Many twists and turns occurred. From Returns to First Appearances at the Grandest Stage of them All and amazing wins.

What many are still buzzing about is the arrival of Manuel "Manny" Guerrero, son of the legendary Latino Heat, Eddie Guerrero. No one has heard of him since he and his family inducted his father into the Hall of Fame ten years ago. They were worried as to what happened to him. But now, he's okay.

What is more surprising in his return, he disguised himself as one of his father's earlier gimmicks, Black Tiger, and helped his father's idol, the Boss, Sasha Banks, win the Women's Championship after a cheating attempt from Charlotte Flair.

Now, the show picks up as Shane McMahon managed to get the job as General Manager despite losing to the Undertaker last night. Soon, after a few matches, all of the former divas now Women are seen in the ring with WWE Hall of Famer Lita, presenting the New WWE Women's Championship.

Lita starts with a speech, complimenting the Women there for their work, especially Charlotte and Becky, for their match last night. The crowd clapped for them, despite Charlotte scowling, still feeling disgusted after last night.


Sasha comes out and the crowd went wild as she does her dance and she makes her way to the ring. The crowd sees she still wearing the Eddie-inspired attire, but with a black leather jacket.

She enters the ring as she does her dance again and the crowd and Women there, except Charlotte and her father obviously. Sasha smiles as she was praised for her win last night. She then grabs the title and gets a hug from Lita, who then leaves the ring, as she starts cutting a promo.

Sasha: I honestly never thought I get the opportunity to carry this on my waist. I watched so many Women carrying the title when I was a little girl, and I was inspired by how much pain, determination, and strong will they have been through to get this title. And I'm glad I got to be the first to bring this Championship back home.

The crowd cheers as the women nod in agreement and Charlotte rolls her eyes.

Sasha: I would like to thank the Women that are here around me. All of you have done an amazing job in helping us get here. It was thanks to you, that we got the Women's Division back on the map on WWE. And I'm glad there's going to be of you in the future soon.

The crowd cheers as Sasha wipes a tear off her face.

Sasha: And I would like to thank my opponents from last night. Including Charlotte.

The crowd oohs as Charlotte does a fake laugh and Ric just shook his head.

Sasha: At Wrestlemania, we went all out to see who could go reach to the top. I may have won, but we all reached our own peek to success after what went through last night.

Becky smiles as she nods to Sasha while Charlotte just scoffs.

Sasha: And I know you're not happy about this, Charlotte. But at least you should feel complimented. Not many of us got to have our butt smacked in front of thousands of people.

The crowd oohs as Charlotte's jaw dropped and the other women laughed. Everyone remembers how Manny Guerrero smacked her on the ass when he arrived. It's still hilarious to them. Charlotte was red in the face as Sasha smirks.

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