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I wait impatiently on the cot in the hospital wing. My doctor approaches me.

"Your thoughts were correct, Queen America." he says I still don't like that name it bothers me. I'm still me, America. "You are pregnant. A little over a month. Congratulations. Would you like me to get King Maxon?"

I am speechless. This is crazy. It started this morning, when I was getting ready I thought my stomach looked bigger, my boobs were bigger and sore and I was exhausted. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive, but I didn't believe it, so I came to see a doctor and sure enough I was pregnant.

Who do I tell first, my mom and sisters or Maxon? The answer was obvious, but it was scary.

"Uh-I'll be going to tell Maxon right now." I say standing up "Thank you."

I leave the hospital wing and somehow find myself in front of Maxon's office. I pace back and fourth not knowing what I will say. All these questions circle around in my mind, what if he doesn't want a child? What if he isn't ready? What if he doesn't want me when I tell him? I just tell myself that I have to tell him, that's the only way I'll be able to do this.

I open the door quietly. His back is facing me so I don't think he knows I came in. I walk quietly towards him, I can tell he's tense, making me rethink my decision, but in the end I do.

"Maxon!" I say with excitement in my voice I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek.

"Hello my beautiful America, what are you doing here? I thought you were meeting Lucy for lunch?" He pulls me around for me to sit on his lap.

"I cancelled because something came up and I thought you should know..." I trail off.

"Can we talk later? I'm figuring out how to eliminate the caste system, fairly. I think I almost have it figured out." he sighs running a hand through his hair.

I nod and stand up "Yeah-..." I pause for a second "Actually no."

He looks at me with his worried look. "What's so important?" he asks.

"Well...I just came back from the hospital wing" What if he doesn't want this? We never talked about this.

"Is everything okay, American? What happened?" Why is he always worried?

I don't know how to say it, so I take his hand and press it to the small baby bump I have. It takes a few minutes for him to understand, but once I give him a look he gasps and jumps up.

"America this is the amazing! Have you told anyone else? We're going to have to tell the country on the Report coming up."

"Wait. Maxon I'm scared as it is I think we should to wait to tell the country. Tonight we'll tell my family, though. They are coming for dinner." I tell him

"Very well. I'll see you at dinner, you should get some rest." he smiles "We are going to be parents!" He kisses me for a few minutes before he has to go back to doing his work. I leave feeling a bit better, but now I'm worried about being a mother.


Sitting at the head of the table beside Maxon, with the rest of my family sitting around the table; my mother, my little sister May, my little brother Gered, my older sister Kenna and Astra (Kenna's daughter). Everyone is eating, so I stand up and clear my throat. Everyone looks up at me and I suddenly get nervous. What if they think I'm to young? I'm only 20, what if they won't except that and don't support Maxon and I? Shaking, the thoughts out of my head, I begin.

"Hello everyone." I say with a small smile "Thanks for coming. Maxon and I have an announcement." May gets really excited I can hear her foot tapping the floor impatiently. I look at Astra, who almost four years old, then I look back at everyone. "We found out this morning that I am pregnant. A little over a month. I just thought you should all know." I smile and sit down.

Everyone is silent and that makes me worried, but then May speaks up.

"That's awesome, Ames! I'm going to be an aunt to a prince or princess! Can I help with the room? Can I help pick out the name? I have a few-"

My mother cuts her off and I am thankful for that. "Congratulations, America and Maxon. I'm so happy for you." She smiles and I smile back.

"If it's a guy I'm playing sports with him." Gered says. Everyone laughs at what he said.

"This is wonderful, Ames. I'll help you as much as I can." Kenna says.

"Thank you."

Once we finish our dinner, we continue talking until my family have to return home with a sleeping Astra and Gered.

When Maxon and I get back to our room, I lay down not even changing out of my dress, falling asleep quickly.

Prob not my best chapter, but surprise! I bet you saw it coming.

Keira Cass wrote the original series of The Selection.

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