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I make my way down to the room where we film the Report. Some cameramen walking by look at me funny, only the palace staff and my family know about me being pregnant. When I get to the room I see Gavril. He looks at me wide eyed, he hasn't even seen me.

"A little over five months." I tell him.

"It's been too long, Queen America." Gavril comes and hugs me kissing both of my cheeks.

"It has been. How are you?" I ask.

"Very well. What about you? Are you making the announcement tonight?"

"I'm as good as I can get for someone looking like I ate a watermelon." I laugh a bit. "And yes. We have two announcements tonight. After you finish talking about what's going on in the country, I will come out and tell the country about this little peanut." I smile putting a hand on my stomach.

"Wonderful! I'm so happy for you and King Maxon. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"One minute everyone!" someone calls as I see Maxon run in almost late. I smile at him and he smiles back before taking his place. "Thirty seconds!" the same person calls. Everyone gets in place.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen of Illèa!" Gavril says when the camera turns on. "Tonight our King will be sharing two announcements with us, but first let's start with the things going around our country." Gavril talks for about ten minutes before something catches my attention. "Sadly one of our troops in New Asia were attacked at their base. We send our respects to the family's who lost their sons, fathers, brothers, uncles or cousins. ((Not trying to be sexist but the soldiers are just guys)) The war in New Asia is starting up again. The advisors and King Maxon are trying to arrange something with President Hai. We will have more on the subject next week, but now let's change to some more exciting news! King Maxon will take over now." Gavril turns to Maxon.

"Thank you, Gavril." Maxon says. "Today I have two announcements for you. For the past few months you haven't seen your queen. Today you'll find out why."

That's my cue to step on. I go to stand beside Maxon taking his hand. "You can probably already tell that we are expecting." I say with a smile. "I'm sorry we kept this from you for so long, but we didn't want it to be a big deal even though it is." I laugh a bit. "I'm a little over five months. I'll be due in the spring. We don't know the gender and for now we are keeping it that way." I look over to Maxon.

"That's not all, though." Maxon starts. "We also have even more exciting news. As of today the people in castes Seven and Eight are free to do whatever they want. By the end of the month all citizens of Illèa won't have a number to define them. You can get any job you want. You can marry anyone you love. And you can live a better life. That is all for tonight. Thank you."

"I hope you will like the new way, Illèa!" I finish. Gavril says a few things and then the Report is over so we can leave. I walk quickly to my room suddenly feeling like I can't breath. Mary is there waiting for me.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" she asks worriedly.

I slightly shake my head. "Yeah, just this dress is uncomfortable. Can you help?" she quickly unzips it. I feel ten times better, but my heavy breathing doesn't stop. Mary helps me into a nightgown and then I go to the balcony trying to get fresh air. It's not much of help. I try calming down as I hear my door open and close

Maxon's PoV

I walk into America's room to see her having a panic attack on the balcony. I look over to Mary who just shrugs, I dismiss her before going over to America. I'm about to call her 'my dear' when I get to her, but then I don't think it's the best idea.

"America? Is everything okay?" I rub her back gently. She takes a minute before answering.


"America." I say more sternly.

"I just want the war over. What if the president wants something...important to us? I wouldn't do it." I know she's worried that if we have a baby girl President Hai will want her.

"I won't let that happen."

"If it's a girl she is going to get this thrown. They'll have to kill me before they take any of my children."

"America don't be so harsh. You won't have to do that." I hear a small sob. I'm still behind America so I go to stand beside her. It seems like she's been crying for awhile just not making any sound. "America please calm down. It's going to be okay. I won't let anyone hurt you or our children." She continues to breath heavily, getting worse. She opens her mouth to say something, but then her eyes close and her knees buckle. I catch her before she hits the ground.

"America..." I sigh. She doesn't usually have panic attacks up to where she passes out. This had happened only once before, though. I carry her to the bed and wait for her to wake up. When it's been about two hours I know she won't wake up till the morning. I go to my own room to get ready and then I come back to fall asleep next to my America.


I don't like this chapter but I needed something so here you go. next chapter is going to skip ahead a bit because I don't know what to write to fill it in before that.

Kiera Cass wrote the Selection series!

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