Chapter 9

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Xiao Qiao, Lei and I spent the next few weeks organizing the new benefit concert. When my part was done, Xiao Qiao and Lei were busy organizing their orchestra and practicing everyday. Basically I was her driver morning and night.
We never again talked about her childhood crush. Or even what we are to each other. I know I love her but I can't tell if she loves me back. She hasn't even been out on dates besides me. If she's an ordinary single woman she'd be out and about on dates, wouldn't she? Maybe we should have that talk after all.
I decided to have the confrontation as I fetched her from work. We had just eaten dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. As we got inside the car I told her there was something I wanted to talk with her.
"Mei Zuo, are you okay?" She looked at me worriedly.
Suddenly it was warm inside the car and I could feel sweats on my forehead. Why was I so nervous?
"Xiao Qiao, last time you told me that I am not your boyfriend and  that you are not my girlfriend," I started. "Ever since that day I've been asking myself what you are to me, what I am to you, and what are we doing. I know it all started because our mothers forced us to attend a matchmaking event and schemed against our will. While at first I didn't like being manipulated but after months of spending time with you and getting to know you I realized that I...I like you."
I didn't mean to make a love confession right then and there but I couldn't seem to stop myself once I opened my mouth.
I held my breath as I waited for Xiao Qiao's reply. She had a very calm look on her face. I didn't know if that's good or bad.
"I said I like you," I repeated.
A smile formed on her lips. I leaned towards her as I stole a quick glance at her lips. She leaned towards me too. Our eyes met. Then our lips. I saw her close her eyes before I did too. It was the sweetest first kiss of my life.
And I wanted it to last all night if not for a call I got from Ximen. "Sorry," I mouthed as I picked up the phone.
"Wei, Xi Men." The call didn't last more than a minute. I started the engine while I informed Xiao Qiao that Xiao You was rushed to the hospital. She knew at once what it meant.
It wasn't the way I would have wanted to remember how our first kiss went but my love life can wait. Especially that it turned out Xiao You was having problems delivering her second baby. Xi Men was frightened and panicking like crazy.
Xiao Qiao and I volunteered to babysit Xiao Tian. My godson was sleeping on my girlfriend's lap. Yes, Xiao Qiao is now my girlfriend. We are officially a dating couple. We haven't had the chance to tell our friends yet because we're so preoccupied with Xiao You's situation.
"How's Xi Men?" Xiao Qiao asked as I sat beside her on the sofa in the waiting lounge.
"Let's just say that I've never seen my best friend cry so much in his whole life." It may seem like I was joking but deep inside I was also worried.
She held my hand. "It's going to be okay. Xiao You will pull through. She will live."
"Thanks," I squeezed her hand. "I hope Xiao Tian hasn't tired you out?"
"No, he's been a good boy." She patted his tummy.
"You're really good with kids."
"In America, I volunteered in an orphanage and taught the kids music."
"You're going to be a great mom."
It was too late when I realized that I blurted out what was on my mind. We ended up laughing together.
Hours later, we celebrated the return of Xiao You. She finally woke up after three days of being unconscious. We told Xiao Tian that his mommy was finally awake. He couldn't stop crying to be with his mommy. We waited until the doctors and nurses were done checking up Xiao You.
We watched as Xi Men's small family gathered around Xiao You. We were standing near the door to let them have their moment. Xiao Qiao and I looked at each other. Someday, that would be us. Xiao Qiao and I with our children. I held her hand tightly. At that moment, Lei entered the room. It's about time he showed up. Oh, he was here the entire time but we didn't know where exactly in the hospital he was. He really has this odd habit to wander off. And we have learned not to question him.
Lei had this knowing look in his eyes as he saw Xiao Qiao and I holding hands.
I sent Xiao Qiao home that night.
"Thanks for staying by my side these past few days."
"It was nothing. They're now my friends too."
"When Xiao You has recovered let's have dinner with our friends and tell them our good news."
"I think they already know."
I grunted.
Sure enough when we had the dinner two weeks later, everybody already knew or at least assumed Xiao Qiao and I were dating officially.
I don't know how both our mothers found out but since they did, talks of our wedding have been the main topic of conversation. And there was even greater pressure on my part to propose to Xiao Qiao already.

Maybe after the benefit concert which is this coming Friday.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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