Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Since then Lei has been coming to my office to discuss about the benefit music recital AND hitching a ride with me to Ah Si's. He and Xiao Qiao have suddenly become fast friends. And I couldn't interrupt them when they talk about music. I've literally become a chauffeur for these two.

My mother also found out that Xiao Qiao is participating in the benefit music recital that Lei has proposed which I am now organizing for him. The gossip mill on The First Wives Club is pretty fast. I wished our mothers are not members. Between attending social/business functions and organizing charity events, gossip is on top of their priorities. Let's not forget matchmaking events for their sons and daughters.

Anyway, Xi Men's first wedding ceremony was coming up. I had planned to ask Xiao Qiao if she could be my date. Or else Lei might ask her first.

As soon as we arrived at her house, I stepped out of the car so I could ask her privately.

"Mei Zuo?" She was surprised to see me walking along with her towards their front gate.
"I wanted to ask you something." I told her.
"You could just have asked me while we were in the car."
"Um, not in Lei's presence."
"Well, my other best friend Xi Men is getting married this week. Will you come with me?" I was nervous as I asked her.
"Like your date?"
"Yeah. I'd like to meet your other best friends."
"Oh right. Yeah, they'll be all there."
"Is that all?"
I nodded.
"Okay, see you tomorrow." She waved goodbye at me.
"Bye. See you tomorrow." I waved back goodbye at her.

Inside my car, Lei has transferred on the passenger seat.

"You asked her as your date for the wedding, didn't you?" He was smiling mischievously.
"How'd you know?" I eyed him.
"You were obvious."
"You've obviously fallen in love with her." He said while smiling at me.
"Who said I'm in love with her?" I retorted. Honestly, I didn't want to admit that to him.
"I'm just quietly observing you know."
"Is that why you're hitching rides with me?!" I was in disbelief by what I heard.
"What?" He shrugged his shoulders, looking so innocent. "She likes you too, you know."
"Are you teasing me?" If I wasn't driving, I'd probably pulled him by the neck.
"Look, I'm doing you a favor already." He grinned.
"You're so weird." I muttered.
"But a great friend."
I didn't have anything bad to retort. He was indeed doing me a favor. Because of the recital, I'll be spending more time with Xiao Qiao. Even if it means Lei will be third wheeling with us. (Or is it me third wheeling to them?)

Though sudden, Auntie Lin pulled off a successful small wedding ceremony at their residence. Their Japanese inspired garden was transformed into this magical and enchanting garden. It looked so beautifully perfect for Xi Men and Xiao You. There were only a few of us invited to the special event. My mother was one of the older adults who came. She decided to come along when she learned that Xiao Qiao was coming with me as my date.

She and Auntie Lin got close in our schooling years because they were officers in the PTA and they were often called to the principal's office. Dao Ming Si was the troublemaker in F4. We knew it was wrong, it was bad but we also knew he was just doing it to get his mother's attention. Ever since his father died in middle school, Auntie Feng has busied herself with the business. Then Zhuang-jie got married and relocated to London. We can't really blame Ah Si. We mostly just watched on the side as he beat up or bully other students. But since we were known collectively as F4, all four of us got called. So did our mothers. With the exception of Auntie Feng. She never ever came. Mostly it's Mrs. Yu, or the butler or any employee from the Dao Ming household.

About the wedding, I couldn't be happier for my best friend Xi Men. He's finally marrying Xiao You. I've always known that he has fallen in love with her. These two are the most stupid people I've ever known. The most stubborn as well. It's clear as day that they loved each other. I couldn't blame Xiao You for making that deal with Xi Men. He can be such an ass. He has this twisted beliefs about love and relationship. To be honest, he was just afraid to face his own feelings and make a commitment. I also couldn't blame him. He was traumatized by his parents' failed marriage. So for him to make this lifetime commitment with Xiao You is really something. I guess having a son made him face and conquer his fears at last. So to stand beside him as best man is something I'm really honored. I'm proud of my friend and really very happy for him and for Xiao You.

Never mind how I reacted at first when he told me about Xiao You and Xiao Tian and his marriage proposal to her. Like Lei told Xiao You, I'm the true first love of Xi Men. Even before Xiao Geng. Speaking of her, it was finally nice to meet her. She's a nice girl too. No wonder Xi Men fell for her. But they've missed their chance. And I think Xiao You is better suited for him than her. Until Xiao You came along, Xi Men hasn't really changed and wouldn't have matured. In the same way that Shan Cai changed Ah Si, so did Xiao You to Xi Men.

And I say this because I've known Xi Men the longest in F4. We lived close by and so we were friends since our nappies. We only befriended Ah Si and Lei when we entered kindergarten. We four were like outcasts in school. Ah Si was a bully. Lei was weird. Xi Men and I liked to tease the girls. No one wanted to have us so one of our teachers decided to group us together. Since then we've been inseparable. And you know what? These three guys are the best of best friends that any one could ever asked for.

My mother was praising Auntie Lin and she kept dropping hints about mine and Xiao Qiao's impending marriage. Ah, excuse me mother! I haven't even confessed let alone proposed to this lady. I'm not even sure yet if she likes me too. So please just stay quiet and let me do my thing. Thank you very much. I wanted to tell her that but I couldn't. Everyone was there. Especially Lei. He was still eyeing me and Xiao Qiao with so much curiosity.

The newlyweds were happy to meet Xiao Qiao too.
"Xi Men, Xiao You..." I called out to them. The ceremony had ended at this time and they were thanking the guests. Both came over to where I, Xiao Qiao, Ah Si and Shan Cai were standing. "I'd like you to meet Miss Yin Xiao Qiao."
They greeted each other.
"Oh, it's nice to have another lady in the group." Xiao You remarked.
"You're right Xiao You." Shan Cai agreed. "We need to even out the numbers."
"Hey!" We three reacted. Then we all laughed.
"Thank you for inviting me." Xiao Qiao addressed to both Xi Men and Xiao You.
"Thank you for coming too. We're glad you're part of our celebration." Xi Men replied. He looked at me for a fraction of a second and I swear I saw him smirk at me. Tsk! There's nothing I can hide from my friends at all. They know me too well. We all know each other too well.
"Where's Lei anyway?" Ah Si inquired.

We were all surprised - SHOCKED actually - when Lei came out as the officiating minister. I was wondering where he was as the ceremony was about to start. Xi Men was mum about it. He wasn't worried but there was a knowing smile on his face. These two! How can they keep a secret to us like that. Lei did well. Maybe I should ask him to officiate mine. Whoa! Where did that come from?

I shook my head as if shaking that thought out too. I glanced at Xiao Qiao who was seated beside my mother. They seemed to be getting along just fine. My mother can be a chatterbox and she'd probably said too much already but Xiao Qiao was just smiling and nodding. Like she was enjoying herself too. Seriously, it didn't dwell good on me that they were getting along well. I spell trouble in our future. Our future?!

Darn it! This occasion is messing up my head! Can you blame me? I looked dashing as a best man and there was my date so beautiful and elegant. If I'm not standing by the altar I would have kissed her right then and there. Stop it Feng Mei Zuo! STOP IT!

Before we left, Xi Men managed to corner me.

"I heard from Lei that Yin Xiao Qiao is participating in his benefit music recital."
"I also heard from him that Yin Xiao Qiao likes you."
"So he says."
"It's true. I saw it. She likes you."
"So you say."
"But I also can say that the Feng Mei Zuo of F4 likes her A LOT too."
"Psshh!!!" I brushed him off. "I do not like her." I lied.
"Let's see about that." Xi Men smirked.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: January 18-19, 2019

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