Coronation disaster

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The day of the coronation

It was finally the day that Elsa was going to become Queen and the doors of the castle would open once again.

Shawn was lying in his bed awake. He was both excited and nervous about today. Excited because Elsa was finally going to be Queen and that the doors were finally going to be open again. Nervous because he knew that she had not gotten a handle on her emotions to control her powers. Especially after the emotional set back that happened when her parents died.

He got up and got dressed in his Arendelle Guard Uniform that he would ware to the ceremony. The armor was a forest long green sleeve tunic which fell to his knees with a black belt with a gold buckle. There are five chest clasps that button up the tunic that ate red edged with gold. The shoulders were padded with dark green leather with a vine pattern on it. The gloves were white with the same black vine pattern that is on the shoulder pads. Finished with a pair of dark brown leather pants and a pair of black leather boots he had BlackFyre strapped to his side.

He then headed to do his morning rounds in the royal wing where Elsa and Anna sleep. While doing that he saw Anna come out of her room and start singing.

Anna: The window is open!

So's that door!

I didn't know they did that anymore!

Who knew we owned 8,000 salad plates...?

As she was running down the hall Shawn saw she had no guard following her. He looked to one of his fellow guards and said, "Keep an eye on Princesses Elsa's room for me. I'm going to follow and look after Princesses Anna and make sure that she does not get into trouble."

For years I've roamed these empty halls

Why have a ballroom with no balls?

Finally, they're opening up the gates!

There'll be actual real live people

It'll be totally strange

But wow! Am I so ready for this change!

'Cause for the first time in forever

There'll be music, there'll be light!

For the first time in forever

I'll be dancing through the night...

Don't know if I'm elated or gassy

But I'm somewhere in that zone!

'Cause for the first time in forever

I won't be alone

I can't wait to meet everyone!

What if I meet THE ONE?

Tonight, imagine me gown and all

Fetchingly draped against the wall

The picture of sophisticated grace...

I suddenly see him standing there

A beautiful stranger, tall and fair

I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!

But then we laugh and talk all evening

Which is totally bizarre

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