Thè Ñîght

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Life isn't always bright and light. The darkness will soon reign over the once before bright blue sky, arriving with its glamorous shimmering soldiers and its white knight, The stars & The moon. They swiftly take over the sky, creating a Pulchritudinous hue of darkness that makes it much more beautiful than it was in the day. Then, right after, the hidden souls rise, the angelic along with the demonic ones Disenthralled in the sky altogether.

Under all this breath-taking creation we cry, we ambush ourselves with the vivid memories the day had had planned for us. We take off those disheveled and shattered smiley masks, wash off the fake emotions we had painted on our faces. Our true selves start to enlighten under the illuminating light of the moon, the demons we had Whelved start to break their chains and howl out from within us.

For most, the night is a wise king, offering passion, love, tranquility and happiness. But for some, the night becomes cold and abysmal, gifting torture, ambitions of twisted minds with twisted ends, uncanny feelings and unwanted memories from the dreaded past. The numbness becomes so painful, the emptiness becoming Farctate and the silence becoming earsplitting. It all slowly kills.

As the night grows old, so does life. A bright day & a dark night was spent, scratching of one number from our unknown numbered days, getting us closer to the eternal demon; Death. For most, it's a demon, a demon so dark and terrifying that only the aura of it could sniff out the beat from the heart, the only one thing that could take away the offerings the night had gave. But for some, it's an angel, the only peace and a way out from the memories that keep on playing in the mind like a movie reel, from the torturing numbness and emptiness in the heart and soul, a final and a first rest for us. It would grant such a relief to our gloomy soul, to finally be set free from the unending beats of our glass hearts.

Death becomes the magical Elixir, the lone angel to save us from life.

Pulchritudinous: breath-taking, heart breaking beauty
Disenthrall: set free
Whelve: to bury something deep or to hide
Farctate: full to the point of bursting
Elixir: remedy for all illness, wonder drug

🔸Original work🔸

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