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"What does love look like?". I shot my head up and stared at Willow before me. I gawked at her as she silently brushed her paintbrush ever so softly on the canvas. I averted my eyes to next to me, where my close buddy Ace sat at. He had his own paintbrush and canvas and looked back at me with slight ajar lips.

"What color does love look like, Han?" Willow asked again, still painting gently while looking at nothing in particular.

"R-Red" I stammered over my words as I gave my sister my answer.

"Why red?" she asked again and I looked back at Ace, who had stopped his painting and all his attention on us.

"I-I don’t know. Maybe because love is fiery and romantic, a-and also, it's bloody and harsh sometimes" I answered with hesitance and looked down at my canvas. I heard my sister hum as if she understood my vague words.

"What about you Ace?" What color does love look like to you?" my sister averted her question to the person next to me, who seemed to be taken aback for a moment.

"U-Uh…. Black". I, myself was taken aback by my best friend's response and looked at him with a puzzled look. Willow seemed to perk up at the odd answer, for she halted her painting for a moment before continuing.

"Why?" she asked casually. I turned back to Ace again, feeling the anticipation seep in me as I awaited his response.

"Because love feels as if you're falling in an endless pit over and over again. It feels as if the blackness of the abyss swallowing your heart, along with whatever you thought you had known. Your heart will get lost within the unending darkness and numbness will grace your every inch, for you no longer hear the pounding of your heart."

I stared at my best friend in bewilderment, but I didn’t question it. Because I knew-----I knew Ace was the one to hate love. My gaze softened as I looked at him while he stared down at his canvas. If only he knew----he knew that he was loved and always had been. I sighed to myself but I was surprised when I heard my sister's sudden giggle.

"Funny how it's black to you when I am the one who is unable to see" she giggled again.

I knew she only wanted to lighten the tense atmosphere,

I knew she only meant it in a playful way, but still----I felt my heart break slightly. Ace chuckled lowly beside me and I smiled towards my sister although she couldn’t see it; for she was blind.

"What about you Willow?". It was Ace who asked her.

I gazed at my sister, her raven hair tied up into a messy bun and some of the strands falling over her smooth and soft face. I took her features in; the small freckles scattered over her cheeks and nose, her button like nose along with her pouty cherry like lips. Willow was adorable and so kind.

You want to know how I knew? How I knew that she's adorable and kind, just like an angel? Aside from being her brother?

It is because I knew Willow's heart like the back of my palm.

People say that a person's eyes are the windows of their soul, the only things that convey the true feelings of their heart. But, what if---- what if they had no eyes?

No colored orbs to gaze in?

No irises the lose yourself in? I know how----their hearts.

"Hmm….love looks….colorless to me" she answered with a shrug and still resumed stroking her brush on her canvas.

"Why is that, Will?" I found myself curious of her upcoming response, thinking maybe she would relate it with her lack of sight. I'm just dense as one could get, really.

"Love is colorless because you just simply cannot see it. Love is like the wind; you cannot see it nor grasp it within your hold, but still, you can feel it. Feel its smooth breeze, or swift swirling, or maybe its raging tornado. Love is like water; You can never be sure if you're really seeing it, for you are seeing through it. And if you try to grasp it, it will drip away from your hold. It may be a drip that soothes you, or a shower that fills you, or a tsunami that drowns you. Love is just like that; unseen able, sudden, dynamic and stubborn."

I felt my heart skip a beat or two as my sister's calm words shook my soul. I felt my eyes sting with unshed tears because----my sister was beautiful, so so beautiful with her gray orbs that had no pupils.

But they shone so bright, resembling that sun in every way possible; bright, warm. The luster of her dreams glowed, radiating through her enchanting heart.

Willow was an angel--- an angel without wings and an angel who's blind.

I felt as the once unshed tears descend from my eyes, slide on my cheeks and fall, maybe, on to my canvas. But I didn’t care---- I didn’t care because, here I was with everything complete, with brown eyes that could decipher whatever unfolds before them.

And yet, my eyes were dull, my dreams faded and my heart---- Oh my heart… so numb and so empty, void of any emotion.

Ace's slightly larger hand grasped my thinner one and stroked the rough skin with his thumb in a soothing manner, and he didn’t utter any words. Maybe because he knew of what was boiling within me or maybe because of the mess of a human that I have become. And I was thankful that he didn’t so, for I knew I wouldn’t hear his words.

My eyes, my mind, my heart, my soul; my every being was on my sister's creation, her bewitching work on her canvas.

A dull and soft grey colored- what I assumed was- the sea and thin swirls of the very same color painted above it - what I assumed - the wind. It had nothing other than the dull color, that almost colorless color on the white canvas.

An unknown emotion suddenly coursed through me, littering Goosebumps all over my skin. And my mind seemed to black out, my heart seemed to freeze as my numbed heart seemed to breathe for the very first time.

Oh Willow, how beautiful can you get?

🔹Original Work🔸

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