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Jennie Pov'

I rushed Lisa to the hospital, stopping myself from crying because I know Lisa will not like seeing me cry. I called her family, they hung up without saying a word.

Sitting outside the ER I waited for the doctor, they are already operating her. Father Manoban rushed with his eyes swollen, he glared at me and punching me in the face.

He kept on punching me but I stayed strong because there is a part of me that knows that it's all my fault. Mother Manoban stopped her husband from killing me.

"Sorry Jennie...we don't blame you, it's just we lost her already and we can't afford to lose her again." Mother Manoban told me while caressing father Manoban.

"I'm very sorry...if I didn't pester her to go with me, she'll still be safe." I cried outloud, father Manoban gave me another punch.

"Stop crying! I don't want my daughter to see you crying when she will wake up, Lisa will be sad seeing you cry and I don't want that." Father Manoban shouted at me, and that made my tears fall more.

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry" I kneeled, asking forgiveness again and again. I slump on the floor feeling my heart break, My Lisa wake up please...I still need you.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung run towards us with disheveled looks, apparently they were having a date and quickly rushed here after hearing about what happened to Lisa.

"Is she okay?" Chaeyoung bite her nails anxiously while Jisoo leaned on the wall staring at the operation room where Lisa laid.

"We don't know, she's still being operated by the doctors...Jennie why don't you go and eat something" said Mother Manoban, I shaked my head no.

"I'll wait for her, I can starve to death for all I care...I just want to see her smile again" tears streaming down my face, mother Manoban sigh.

"Well you can't see her smile again if you die because you starved! Go and eat something, we won't take Lisa away from you" Father Manoban scolded me, I tiredly stood up. I bowed at the Manoban's and make my way out of the hospital.

I sat on the sidewalk like a beggar, many people stared at me but I payed no attention. There is nothing on my mind, I'm an empty piece of shell, I ate some food and quickly went back to the hospital.

When I arrive, I see no sign of Lisa's parents. Jisoo and Chaeyoung texted me that they were going home to change their clothes and to take a bath. I panic looking around the floor, I saw some nurses and went near them.

"Um excuse me...where did the patient who was getting an operation in the ER go?" I ask them, they look around and the nurses talked to each other probably asking if someone saw where Lisa is.

"The patient is already gone her parents took her away, we don't know where they went we are just the nurses on the front desk but you can ask some nurses on the 4th floor, they will te-" but before she could finish her sentence, I already run off looking around in panic.

Did they take Lisa away? Where did they go? Is she okay? Does her parents hate me? These kinds of questions went inside of my head, I didn't realize tears streamed down on my face again.

I felt my heart beat fast, I felt myself lose breath. Then I fell on the floor, my head hurting and my sight turning. I hear some doctors shout seeing someone faint, I felt myself being lift up.


When I opened my eyes I see only white, probably because of the white walls of the hospital. I turned my head to see Father Manoban cutting some fruits, I stood my upper body.

"Where's Lisa? Please don't take her away from...i- I know I'm not a good girlfriend and I put her in danger but I beg of you don't take her away, some nurses said you took her away somewhere" I rambled, father Manoban handed me a plate of fruits while hitting me on the back of my head.

"We just transferred her to a comfortable room, don't assume things...we won't take her away from you or Lisa will hate us forever, I know that daughter of mine loves you so much" father Manoban sigh.

"-and don't go fainting on random places! You scared us, I know you're thinking that I hate you. You're right I hate you so much for taking Lisa away from us for the second time but  it's also not your fault it's an accident... so eat up!" Father Manoban added, he stood up going out of the room.

I stared at my hands that is hooked with an IV, I slump on the bed looking up the ceiling. I hear my cellphone ring on my pocket, I picked it up.

Irene: The Manoban's just called your sister to tell her you fainted due to exhaustion! Take care of yourself, you made us so worried!

Me: am I a bad girlfriend?

Irene: yes you are! Your bad because your not taking care of yourself! Lisa will be worried and she will only worry more if you keep being like this!

Me: what if I lose her?

Irene: the surgery went well right?

Me: yes...

Irene: then don't you worry, just stay strong. The girls will be there, after awhile so stay still and don't go anywhere!


I put down my phone, I took my IV people and went to the restroom to pee. When I went out my phone ringed again.

Nayeon: my baby are you alright?

Me: Nayeon...

Nayeon: I'm just trying to cheer you up...

We where in an awkward silence for awhile but it broke when she decided to talk again.

Nayeon: You're not okay...you just saw the love of your life with your own eyes being taken away by death step by step *I sucked my breath*

Nayeon: but it's okay not to be okay, cry if you want to cry and laugh if you want to laugh, if that will make your burden go away...

Nayeon: There is some times when you just need to lay back and leave the fighting to the strong.

Me: I-

Nayeon: hey! I may not be the best to give you some advice but I know that you'll get through this step by step...

Nayeon: When all of this is over you'll see her again with her bright smile that I freaking hate...*Nayeon Chuckled* but I'm sure you love that smile, to the extent that you'll even die for it but for now just wait and be patient because you can't help her being like this.

Me: ...

Nayeon: Smile okay? I'm sure Lisa would've want that...

Nayeon hung the phone up, I remembered Lisa saying that I should smile. I small smile appeared but it didn't reached my eyes, I felt tears streaming down my face again.

I tried to fall asleep but the I kept seeing Lisa laying on my arms blood flowing out of her, I think I'm traumatized...


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