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"Or you're going to mess with me" a voice said approaching the room.

"Adora, my child how are you?" Shadow Weaver said and walked over to Adora and tried to reach her face but failed because adora instantly slapped her hands away.

"Shadow Weaver get out" Adora said. "Adora! How dare you stay with that monster!" Monster... adora probably thinks of me like that..

"She's not a monster!" Adora said which shocked Catra. "She's going to corrupt you again!" Shadow Weaver said but saw Adora growing mad. "Shadow Weaver get out or else I won't hesitate and use shera on you" shera... the thing that took adora from me..

"Alright child, don't trust her. It can be a trap"

"Okay now fucking leave" adora said and shadow weaver left. "Hey-are you-are you crying?" Adora asked and walked closer to the glas barrier, she was shocked seeing catra cry like that.

"Stop it" catra mumbled and turned around so that adora couldn't see her. "Catra- what are you doing here-"

What am I doing here? Was the only question that has been twirling around in catra's head, she didn't really know what exactly she was going to do here.

"Adora i-" catra said but coughed shit, i think my lungs are somehow hurt? Catra thought and coughed again.

"Eh- you okay-?" Adora asked and walked to the other side so that she could see catra.
" m' fine 'dora, you can leave" she coughed again "you don't have to play the hero with me"

"Catra what is wrong" Adora repeated and was now worried that she even sat down so that they were on the same layer.

With out any other sounds adora started to gasp "why the fuck did they put you in chains!" Adora said and got up. " 'is okay" catra mumbled.

"The hell it's not! How dare they put you in fucking chains and not shadow weaver!" Adora said why is she so mad about it

" i- uhm you sure you'll be fine-?" Adora asked.

"Don't you get it, I don't need your fucking help, adora. Not now and not ever!" Catra spit out and instantly regretted it after she saw adora's look. "Fine to me!" Adora said and got up.

"now leave" catra said. "Fine!" Adora yelled out. "Fine!" Catra responded.

"Now go and good night" catra answered annoyed. "GOOD NIGHT" adora said and slammed the door. Geez, what's her problem i swear to god.

Adora was now walking through the halls and walked into bow

"hi adora you alright?" He asked and looked at her. "IM FINE" Adora accidentally yelled out, she was shocked and embarrassed

"Hm, sure you are. Now tell me what happened "

"It's just catra! She keeps telling me that she's alright and then coughs! And then she told me to fucking leave her alone?!BOW SHE MAKES ME CRAZY" adora said and held her head.

"You know that you're talking about the catra that used to be a force captain right? Give her time adora, she'll open up to you" bow said and put a hand on adora's shoulder, how can he be so sure about everything!

"But how long-? What if she will never forgive me.." that's the whole point, adora's afraid that she'll never get catra's forgiveness. And why would she even think that one forgiveness would change everything- i mean it's not like that she was going to be instantly friends with her right?

"Adora, you know her the best and you must know that she'll forgive you one day. Same with me and Glimmer" he said and gave her a comforting smile. "Bow i'm not sure.. i only know her old self and not this one..."

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