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"Queen Glimmer, your guest arrived" one of the guards said and saw Glimmer getting excited. "Great! Tell her to come in" the guard obeyed and walked back to their entrance to the castle where their guest was standing.

"Queen Glimmer said that you're allowed to come in, princess Huntara. Please follow me" one of the guards said and was leading Huntara to the war room where she spotted Glimmer and Bow sitting on one of the many chairs.

"Huntara hi!" Glimmer said and welcomed her with a hug. "Hey Glimmer! Hi Bow! I'm glad to be here, thanks for inviting me!" She looked around the room and saw that one of person of the bestfriends squad was missing.

"Where's blondie?" Huntara asked. "She's busy with her other friend, they'll come down soon" bow reassured her.

Meanwhile in Adora's room

"Catra come on!" Adora said and started laughing. "There is no way that you're going to put my hair in a ponytail Adora!" Catra said and started running away.

"Please just this once! I'm sure it'll suit you!" the blonde said again and started laughing again while she saw a annoyed catra in front of her.

"NEVER" Catra said and was making sure to keep enough distance between each other.
"fine, you make me have no other choice!" Adora said and jumped on catra making the two of them fall and laugh hard.

"ADORA ARE YOU CRAZY-" catra said and saw a almost dying out of laughter adora on top of her. She looks so...peaceful.. catra did nothing but smiled at the view of having a laughing adora on top of her i missed this she admitted.

"This is..nice" adora admitted and snorted one last time. "I missed this" catra finally decided to speak out. "I missed this too" Adora said and smiled at the brunette one. Catra in respond smiled only a little bit at her enemy turned friend.

"Can I now please put your hair in a ponytail!" Adora begged and started to laugh again only receiving a groan from catra. "Do you really have to do that!"


"UGH FINE" Catra gave in and finally let adora put her hair in a ponytail. I hate her stubbornness! Ugh, it's going to look stupid as fuck and i swear to god if I get a hair poof, then i'll kill her.

Catra sat down in front of Adora while adora brushed her hair with a brush. To her surprise catra's hair wasn't that musty crusty as she expected. "You started brushing your hair?" Adora asked. "Duh" catra said and kept it cool.

If someone was allowed to touch Catra, or literally touch her, then it was Adora and only her. "I'm done!" Adora said and got up.

Catra got up and walked towards a mirror "hm, not bad i guess" she said and touched the hair.

"I did a good job, righttt" adora said and hit catra with her elbow. "Pfff whatever" catra said and playfully rolled her eyes at adora, she in fact thought that it would have turned out worse.

"You look more calm down, more free" Adora started "i like it" well obviously she liked it, that dummy did that herself

"Of course you do and uhm thanks I guess" catra said and tried to smile Which actually worked this time. "You know you're welcome! Now we have to go back because we are awaited." Adora said and pulled catra out of adora's room on the direction to the war room.
"Who's awaiting us?" Catra asked and looked confusedly at her.

"I dunno" adora said and walked inside the room where bow, glimmer and princess huntara were. What the fuck.

"Blondie!" Huntara said and embraced adora tight are they friends? "Oh hey Huntara! What- What are you doing here?" Adora asked and rubbed the back of her neck totally forgetting about catra.

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