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It was the best sleep i've had since I don't when! It really was the best sleep for them both. Until Catra woke up and felt nothing around her. Ughh where did that dummy go already! Catra groaned while she got up and started walking outside of the room. Walking through the halls she bumped into one of the brightmoon's guards.

"Good morning Catra!" They said and bowed what the- why are they bowing them for me- "good morning and you know you don't have to bow down for me, right?" Catra said as she chuckled.
"Okay i'm sorry" they said and also started laughing "can I do something for you?"

"Have you seen Adora?" Catra asked furrowing her eyebrows. "Oh she's on a mission in Plumeria. I think she's on her way back" she's on a fucking mission??

"Oh okay- uhm thank you. Have a nice day" catra said as she rubbed the back of her neck nervously, "have a nice day too Catra!" They then said and walked away.

Since when did Plumeria get attacked too- and why did no one tell me or wake me!

Without anymore thoughts she then finally found one of her friends, Bow, and Swift Wind talking. "Oh good morning catra!" Bow said he waved at her.

"It would have been a good morning if someone had told me that everyone was on a mission!" Catra said groaning as she sat down. "It was kind of.. random and you were asleep and adora didn't want to wake you up" Bow then said as he turned his attention back to the magic horse.

Ugh. I knew it. "okay, swifty. You just got back from scouting the Southern Coast. What does it look like?" Bow asked.

"On fire" Swift Wind said.

"Uh anything more specific?" Bow then requested. "On lots of fire" Swift Wind then responded. And then everyone including the Queen herself teleported back. Uh oh seems like someone was on a mission who wasn't supposed to be.

"Good morning Catra" Netossa said as she nudged her with her elbow what was that for- "okaaaay- Oh Adora! You're back from Plumeria; what's their status?Any good news?" Bow spoke out which made Catra's ears getting perked up.

"Perfuma is securing the Whispering Woods and Frosta reports that her kingdom has not been breached..." adora started unhappily oh- she doesn't sound good. "Great.." Bow said squeaking.

"yet.." she then added and then realized that catra was now there too oh i'm going to beat her ass. "But the Horde's working on it. Day and night. Nonstop." She then said lastly before she finally over to catra whispering an easy "hi" and smiling weakly at the feline.

"hey" Catra said back trying her best to sound annoyed and mad.

"Well...that is...ooo-kayyy. Because Sea Hawk, Netossa, and Spinnerella just saved everyone in Sea Elf Village...with Glimmer. Who didn't tell us she was going, but just...kind of showed up." bow then said chuckling slightly making adora look back at him and then at Glimmer.
I am so not ready for this.

"Again? Glimmer, you can't just keep going off on your own" Adora said frustrated while she held her own arms.

"Hmm, where have I heard that before? " Glimmer hums in feigned wonder "Oh, right. When I stayed here to find the Horde spy and Salineas fell." The queen then added growing even more angry.

"But that's not fair. We didn't know" Adora said also sounding angry now okay dummy how about we slow down a little bit-

"Tell that to Mermista!" Glimmer yelled which made everyone think for a little until swift wind asked "Hey, where is Mermista?"

"She's, uhm, taking some me time" Sea Hawk said rubbing the back of his neck.

" 'Me time'! Great... We all could use some of that. So let's check in with each other more often, and Glimmer if you could-" Bow started but got instantly shut by Glimmer slamming her hand on the table geez .

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