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Catra was walking through the hallways on her way to her and Adora's room. Okay Catra, everything's going to be alright. It's just Adora and she wouldn't hurt you. She promised. Catra was now standing in front of the door and doesn't want to knock on their door but then decided to still knock. Come on, Adora.

"I said I wanted to be alone" came out of the room while also steps came closer to the door until it got opened by Adora who's eyes were widened again. "Oh Catra-" came out of her mouth.

"hey adora, are you alright? And I know you said that you wanted to be left alone or whatever- I just-" catra started while Adora was directly looking at her with her arms crossed waiting for the answer.

"Miss you." catra mumbled, keeping her gaze low, and held her own wrist. "But you just saw me, what's there to miss about" adora said which shocked catra what the fuck "what is wrong with you today" the brunette then instantly shot out, not liking Adora's words at all because she has literally never experienced Adora acting like that ever before. "What has gotten into you?!" Catra slightly yelled out as she pushed adora a little bit, hoping that it maybe brings Adora back to her senses. But it didn't, sadly. It only made Adora laugh.

"What is wrong with me?" She then asked rhetorically and laughed. I definitely do not like this side of her at all. "Yes you! You've been acting so- so ridiculous today!" Catra then yelled one last time with a squeak and to her surprise it actually did something to Adora because she started to keep her gaze low. Before continuing this conversation, Catra then took a hold of Adora's wrist and dragged her inside their room and closed the door behind them.

"Adora tell me what's wrong". Catra said, sighing, and let go off her wrist. "It's stupid.." a whisper only came out of the blonde one's mouth. "It is not stupid if it made you mad" Catra then firmly said as she sat down on the bed.

"I'm not mad" Adora mumbled as she walked over to the bed. "Catra it's stupid, really.." is she deaf or some?

"Just tell me, it's fine. I won't be mad or some" catra then reassured the blonde one who let out a breath.

"I got jealous" Adora mumbled, which was still clear to Catra to understand. What-?

"You were jealous?" Catra then asked as she chuckled oh come on, she's such an idiot. Well, my idiot..

"Don't laugh!" Adora then squeaked, blushing in embarrassment, as she softly hit the feline's shoulder. "Oh come on, the whole time I was worried because of how I thought that you were mad at me or some and you're now telling me that you were just jealous?" Catra then added sounding surprised that's something that I was not expecting at all.

"I'm sorry.." she mumbled which made Catra glare at her. Before saying anything, Catra then cupped Adora's face and started shaking it "stop saying that you're sorry, idiot!" Catra added as she started laughing.

"You better tell me what made you jealous" she then said after she finished shaking Adora's head but still held it in her hands.

"It's embarrassing and stupid, Catra.. please" adora mumbled as she tried to avoid her gaze.

"It's not embarrassing and definitely not stupid, Adora. Now tell me, please?" Catra then asked one last time and to her luck Adora finally gave in. With a last breather she then said "you.. your hand was on Scorpia's pincer.." adora then mumbled which made Catra widen her eyes in surprise.

"See, I knew you were going to react weird about it" Adora sighed as she got rid of Catra's hands on her head and turned around. But it wasn't like Adora expected. Catra wasn't embarrassed or feeling weird about. She indeed understood that feeling of being jealous the best. Especially after the battle of Bright Moon.

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