Chapter 1

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Damian POV

I finally got off that wretched 8 hour flight. It was tiresome and the plane was overcrowded but I guess that is my first time flying economy class instead of first or via private jet. But still, my body feels cramped all over. 

As I walk out of the airport after collecting my bags, I see a man wearing a weird, black robe. He was holding a sign that read 'Damian Wayne' so I'm presuming he's here for me. 

"Greetings, I am Damian Wayne. Might I presume that you are from Hogwarts?" Not the friendliest of introductions, I know, but what else is there to say?

The man quirked his eyebrow at me and just said, "Yes, I am Severus Snape but you shall refer to me a professor Snape and Sir, nothing else. Now follow me and don't dawdle."

Well, looks like I have nothing to worry about. This guy must hate his life as much as I do. I follow him without a word and we walk for a few blocks. He takes me to this shabby looking pub called the 'Leaky Cauldron'? Really? Bringing me to a pub, I'm pretty sure that's illegal. 

As I was debating running off and starting a new life on my own, this Snape guy was already disappearing into the depths of the place. Well, it's not like I have anything to lose so I follow.

As expected, there are drunkard fools clamouring the place as we walk past the bartender, whose only sign of acknowledging us being a slight tip of his head. We exit the other side only to be greeted with a brick wall. 

I was confused as to why he had taken me there and for a moment, I believed that this was all a hoax to kidnap me and prepared to run off. Yet, all of a sudden, he entered a sequence that made the bricks start to shift and open up like a gate. My eyes widened as I was greeted with the sight of a shopping district. Except, everyone was wearing robes like Snape's own and there were weird shops. I felt a tingling, warm sensation. As if I belong here.

Snape turned to me, staring at me silently. I stared back. Moments passed before the man before me reached into his robes and pulled out a heavy looking pouch. He handed it to me.

"This is the money you will need. The gold ones are called galleons; silver are the sickles and bronze, the knuts. 17 sickles are in a galleon and 29 knuts in a sickle. Here is a map of this place, Diagon Alley. On it are marked all the shops you'll need to go to to get your school supplies; I trust that you have brought the list that has the supplies you need written on it. Right now, it is 9:30; we shall meet at a store called Ollivanders at precisely 12 o'clock, where we will purchase your wand. I expect you to be on time."

With that, he turned and stalked away. Well, he's certainly a friendly character. True to what the man said, the map displayed shops circled with small notes next to each, telling me where to head to get which item. I look at my list and decide that perhaps, I should get my clothes first. Looking at the map, there seems to be what is called a 'robes shop' called Madame malkins. looks like I'll be heading there first.

I walk through the street, in awe at everything around me, of course I don't let it show. I was walking in a haze when I was shocked out of my stupor by a passerby. He was huge, almost as big as Bane. He was hairy as well, long hair and equally long beard. I knew it was rude to stare but I don't think he's exactly full human. Everyone else seemed to pass by without a care, is this normal?

I stop by in front of the store that said 'Madame Malkins, Robes for All Occasions', looks like I found the place. Inside, people were bustling, ladies going around and tending to people on blocks with their arms out. I guess they're here to get their robes tailored. I waited around awkwardly, unsure of how things are done here.

A fairly middle-aged lady walked up to me and greeted me with a smile.

"Hello dear. Hogwarts, I suppose?" I nodded shyly, unsure of how to respond.

"Where are your parents? Are you, perhaps, muggle-born dear?" I must have had a confused look on my face because she proceeded to say, "Muggle-borns are those who are born to two muggles, people without magic. Half-bloods have one magic parent and the other muggle. Pure-bloods are those with two magic parents."

Huh, so there's that kind of class system here, but with blood. "I give you my gratitude for informing me of such. Answering your question, yes, I suppose I am a muggle-born."

"Oh my. What a polite lad you are. A little word of advice: at times, there will be those that will scorn you for your blood-status. But chin up and keep a low profile and you'll live quite well, boy."

I nodded to signal that I understood before being led to stand on one of the blocks.

"Arms up dear, yes, just like that. Chin up too and look ahead. Back straight, don't want to slouch now, dear. Now I suggest that you try to stay still, don't want a stray pin poking you here and there. Good boy, now be patient and I'll soon have you all equipped for Hogwarts."

The woman was a little demanding but didn't seem to have any bad intentions. I merely followed her instructions and waited.  She measured and pinned me up, leaving occasionally to check up on other workers and customers before returning.

At a particular moment in time, she went behind the shop to retrieve something. it was then that a boy my age entered. He looked around for a bit before his eyes met mine.


Another chapter up! Who do you think the boy might be? To be honest, I really did not know how to go about this. I just had like 6 exams this week so I'm drained and my writing may or may not be up to par. I hope you guys enjoy it though, I really tried and fairly satisfied with this. There's no beta so let me know if there are any mistakes. Please comment, message, vote and let me know what you think~

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