Chapter 3

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By the time the small group had finished their ice cream and Damian was tutored in the sport of quidditch, it was already 11:50. Damian left the family of 3 with a wave after getting directions to Olivanders. The walk to the shop itself was uneventful, the reality of his situation not quite sinking in yet, a fact that Damian would rather keep hidden.

Upon arrival, Damian was greeted with the sight of a scowling professor in robes.
"You are late " was all the professor said before ushering him towards the entrance. Glancing at his wristwatch, Damian noticed that it was precisely 5 minutes after 12. A little irritated at the accusation,  Damian decided that it was best to be silent.

They entered a dimly lit store, overcrowded with shelves after shelves of boxes and drawers. At the very front, an  empty yet worn counter laid with seemingly no one to manage it.

Skeptical of the reliability of the store, Damian found himself on his heels and ready to run before being slightly shocked by a voice that spoke behind him.

"It is not everyday that I am met with the potions master of Hogwarts. What can I do for you Mister Severus Snape?"

"I am here acting as a guardian of the soon to be student, Damian Wayne. As you are most likely aware of, he is in need of a wand."

The former voice belonged to, what Damian could note of, an elderly man of silvery wisp of hair and equally silvery wisp of a figure. Said man turned his eyes to the small boy hidden behind the greasy haired man.
"My, what a peculiar one you have brought for me, Severus Snape. I sense greatness from you child. Greatness yet a dark fate. Do not be disheartened by my words, boy, for I sense a noble heart in you. That nobility shall guide you to an end that you may quite like. But for today, I have the pleasure of equipping you with one of your greatest tools for the future."

With that, the man, presumably Ollivander, turned away with a dramatic flare of his robes despite the slight hobble.

After taking measurements and rummaging through a few drawers, Ollivander presented the young warrior with a wand, reciting the wood, core and length as well as flexibility.
"Give it a slight flick boy, imagine doing some magic. We'll see whether that's the one or not."

Pointing the wand to a chair, Damian flicked the wand in a way that made him feel rather foolish, yet, neither adult mentioned anything so he supposed that he was doing it somewhat along the right lines. The chair erupted in flames.

"No no, that's not it," the wandmaker muttered as he snatched the wand from the boy's hand.

After many attempts of several more wands with similar results, numerous piles began around the increasingly worrying boy. He began to question and doubt his supposed magic, turning to the possibility that he has, as he has been told many times before, proven to be a failure.

"Oh my! There doesn't seem to be a wand for you! Never have I seen such a case before... but worry not child, there has not been one who has entered my shop and left without a wand, and you will certainly not be the first, I'll make sure of it. Perhaps..." trailing at the end of his words, the elderly man turned to the back of his shop. From there, neither of the two customers had seen him for quite some time, content with the stewing silence besides the crashes and bumps going on behind the shop.

Finally, the man in question emerged, carrying a rather decorated yet rather worn box.

"This wand, I had never intended to sell. I made it on my travels as an experiment. It is the only wand I have ever made not using unicorn, dragon nor phoenix.  It is a peculiar wand but I suppose it would suit a rather peculiar customer. Come boy, test this one out." Uncertain of the words that the other had just said, Damian reached out with a reluctant hand. As soon as his hands gently gripped the wand, a wave washed through him.

Damian was suddenly transported to a place where he was surrounded by water. Everything was rushed, like a storm, yet Damian could not help the serenity that overtook him, the familiarity, the sense of belonging. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was back in the wand shop, droplets of water hanging in mid air, leading from the wand in his hands.

"Curiouser and Curiouser. What a match! To think I would see a day where I would meet the owner of this wand." Looking at the boy's face, Ollivander pressed on, "As I mentioned before, this wand is made from neither of unicorn, dragon nor phoenix. The core is the spine of a white river monster, a rather rare fish to come by. I only know of one other wand made with the same core. Not made by me, but the wielder of said wand casted spells of such elegance and grace. I believe we can expect such things of you. The wood is vine, one that I have noticed to be wielded by those who surprise even those who thought to have known them well. 11 inches, reasonable length and reasonable flexibility. Truly, it is a remarkable wand."

Unknowing of what to say to such words, Damian could only stare at the wand in his hands. It was smooth, with little indents. Dark, with a design of vine leaves wrapped around a third of the wand. Slim and light. A delicate looking wand that seemed as if it were unable of casting such powerful spells. But Damian felt the immense power coursing through his spine, the same power he felt when he had practiced the smaller spells of his Grandfather's books.

Thanking the man and handing over the one galleon price, Damian left the shop, towing the one he had went there with.

"It seems that you are in possession of a rather special wand, Mister Wayne. I trust that you use that power wisely and to not allow it to inflate your ego."

Damian nodded, but not without the slight flinch from being called 'Wayne'. He was close to correct the older man but thought better of it and decided not to. He did not wish to engage in a quarrel with his future professor.

Snapping out of his thought, he saw that Professor Snape had already begun to move away. Quickening his steps, Damian made over to the professor, following to wherever the other may lead.

Hi there, I'm back! Sorry for being away for so long, I wanted to take a break from writing. But I'm back now, though I may not be quick to update. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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