Chapter 2

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Damian POV

I stared at the boy in front of me, taking in his appearance. He had blond hair, cream, more like. Eyes the colour of ice, not the bright blue kind in the sun but the grey kind. He held himself with authority, something whispered to me that he was a pure-blood. He seems a little snobbish too yet, naive. 

He breaks our silence first.

"Hullo. Are you going to Hogwarts as well?"

"Indeed I am. Might I presume the same applies to you?"

"Wow, you speak just like the adults." I felt a swell of pride at that, "My parents are getting my supplies and told me to get fitted. I suppose I should get this over with. You?"

Thinking about the blood discrimination, I didn't really want to make an enemy this early on, I'm sure there's plenty of time for that later. Looks like flight- I mean, a tactful retreat is in order.

"Um, my parents are really busy so someone else is taking me today but he sort of left me. I'm not really sure about the places here, though..." I trailed off, thinking about the 2 hours I have left before meeting up with Snape.

"You've never been here?!" A look of shock dressed the pale boy's face. Uh oh, can't let him find out, not yet at least.

"No, not really. My parents are a little overprotective and never really allowed me to go on my own. This is my first time." Not really a lie. My parents may be abusive and hated me but they both seemed hellbent in making sure I'm around. Mother probably wanted to keep her weapon close and unsuspecting of her lies whilst father just wanted to make sure that the world never saw the monster I am. My mood soured.

"Well come with me and my parents! You're almost done right? You can go to my mother and get your wand and books. You'll probably be done when I am by then so we can get the rest together. Then we can get my parents to look at brooms together and maybe get ice cream!" I was stunned at the boy's offer but smiled. It was the first time anyone ever said that they wanted me around. It won't last though, not when they find out what a terrible person I am. Not even a person, I'm a 'thing', just like Grandfather says.

"Yeah, I think I might take you up on that offer, if that is okay with your parents."

"Of course! Why wouldn't they be okay with it?"

It was then that Madam Malkin decided to return.

"You're finished now dear. Here is everything you need. Oh? I see you've made a friend already! Hello, dear." 

No one POV

As Draco greeted the lady, Damian gathered his supplies and handed the required amount of money.

Before the woman could start on Draco, he had already pulled the smaller child outside the store, where he greeted his mother.

"Mother! This is my new friend, his parents are busy so he's shopping alone, can he come with us?"

Narcissa looked at the boy beside her own. She saw a small boy, smaller than her own. He looked rather skinny yet there was still a little baby fat rounding his face. He had fluffy, black hair, reminding Narcissa of her sister's. But it was his eyes that made her gasp ever so lightly. His eyes resembled that of a cat's. Framed by thick lashes that curved and winged. But what surprised her the most was the colour. Tsavorite garnet stared back at her, glinting in ways that gems do. Narcissa was reminded of death yet, somewhat the gentle kind. A child like him could easily be snatched off the streets, what were his guardians thinking?

"Of course! He is most welcome to join us. May I ask for your name?"

It was then that both Damian and Draco realised that not once had they asked for the other's name. The two blushed in various degrees.

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