Jealous-Lee Know

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WARNINGS: Strong language, explicit sexual content, oral, angst, mild fluff, possessive/obsessive behaviour.


[12:24] Call me when your classes are finished, okay?

[12:28] Hey. Don't ignore me.

[12:30] I know you've read my messages, Y/N. Do not leave me on read!

Rolling your eyes, you flick your phone onto silent mode and shove it into your pocket, desperately trying to turn your attention back to your lecture.

You and Minho had been dating for 6 months.

You usually loved the way he was so possessive over you, but today, you needed to focus. Your assignments were coming up on their deadline, and on top of that, you had a group project you needed to get done. All before the end of the week. And today was Wednesday.

Sighing in frustration, you scribbled notes down as you tried to keep up with the Professor's pace. Why did he always fly through the content? It was as if he wanted everyone to fail this class.

The class finished after what seemed like hours, and you gathered your things to leave. Your next destination was the library.

"Hey, Y/N. How are you coming along with the project?"

You looked up from your bag to see Christopher Chan in front of you. His bright smile instantly made you feel less stressed. To be honest... you'd always thought he was good looking.

You'd known Chris since the start of this term as you took the same classes, and Chris was the one who had introduced you to Minho in the first place. They were good friends, and often made music together during the weekends. You loved their tracks, and kept telling them they should approach a record label to get them published, they were that good. But they'd never listened.

"Hey, Chris..." you sighed heavily, going back to shoving your things in your bag. "Not great, I'll be honest. I've still got so much to do!"

Chris looked at you with concern, his brows furrowing. His dark brown hair fell over his eyes, framing his features beautifully.

"Need some help? This is a team project, remember. Don't try to do everything yourself."

You scoffed under your breath.

"Have you even finished your own parts yet?"

Chris rolled his eyes, tutting under his breath. "Not yet... but I will!"

You laughed at his expression, it was typical Chris to offer to help someone when he still had so much of his own work left to do.

"Well thanks, but I'm good. I'm heading to the library now. Hopefully I'll get most of it done today. See you later!" You smiled, throwing your bag over your shoulder and rushing out the classroom.

"Don't push yourself!" Chris called after you.


Soft, amber sunlight warmed your face as you started to come round.

Opening your eyes slowly, it gradually dawned on you where you were.

"Ugh, why am I like this..." you cursed under your breath. You'd fallen asleep in the library, head in your arms resting on the desk. You looked out the window and realized the sun had just started to set. You quickly sat up and adjusted your hair, looking around nervously to see who else had noticed you.

No one else seemed to even care.

Hammering at your laptop keys, the screen came to life and displayed the work you'd done on your project. Luckily, you'd managed to get through most of it before you'd fallen asleep.

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