Ot8 pt. 1- reaction to you crying during a fight

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You and him had gone at it all day because you couldn't make it to his last concert

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You and him had gone at it all day because you couldn't make it to his last concert. He was pissed because it was really important to him that you were there and when you didn't go or text him to let him know u wouldn't be there he was pissed.

          You couldn't hold in tears anymore because you really wish you could've been there but you had just found out your mom has been diagnosed with cancer so you went to see her. Of course you didn't tell him that yet. Chan heard your muffled sniffles from the living room and he quickly got up and walked in the room to check on you. "Baby... I'm so sorry for yelling are you okay" he says in a whisper voice. He sits on the bed and you look up and hop in his lap facing him. He wipes the tears from your face telling you to breath. You started balling your eyes out while you told him that your mom has stage 4 lung cancer. He held you as tight as he could the whole night and made sure you felt safe.

You and Minho had been arguing over stupid things lately and you found out he was out at a club with a lot of girls and you didn't get any invite

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You and Minho had been arguing over stupid things lately and you found out he was out at a club with a lot of girls and you didn't get any invite.

When he came home all of his things were in the living room and he seen a lot of broken glass and burnt pictures. He started cleaning because he heard you in the shower. He went up to the bathroom door after realizing it's been way over an hour. He puts his ear to the door and hears whimpering and sniffles. He knocks on the door. "Baby I'm sorry I should've invited you... I promise I didn't know there was gonna be a lot of girls there... please believe me.... I love you and would never do anything to hurt you" he says in a soft voice to the door. You open the door very slowly and he sees that ur in nothing but one of his T-shirts with a messy bun with tears stinging ur cheeks. He pulls you into the most loving hug he can give after that he wipes all of your tears away.

He takes you to the room and says that you guys could finish cleaning the rest of the house tomorrow. You guys fall asleep holding each other and talking about life. (Sorry this man makes me soft🥰)

You and changbin were being forced to sit next to each other because all of stray kids wanted to eat together and Felix had invited you

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You and changbin were being forced to sit next to each other because all of stray kids wanted to eat together and Felix had invited you. How could you turn precious lix down. That's right you couldn't. So here you are sitting next to a pissed of changbin. This fight all started because he swears he saw you flirting with this random guy when you guys went to the club. He still won't talk to you only turning his head to look at you every 2 minutes.!

      When it's time to leave you and changbin s ride in the car was full of yelling and swearing. It got quiet after a while and he started to hear sniffing so he pulled over the car and turned you head to face him he seen tears running down your face and he wiped your tears feeling like total shit as he did so. "I'm sorry I know I should've trusted you"Changbin says with a sincere look. " I just love you so much and when I see guys flirting with you I can't help myself so I blame you... I promise I'll stop doing that" He says as he leans in to peck your lips. Then he continues driving while holding your hand.

       You guys get home and all he can do is say he's sorry and kiss your four head you keep telling him it's okay until you guys fall asleep holding hands.

You didn't want to go to his dance practice and let me tell you he was pissed

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You didn't want to go to his dance practice and let me tell you he was pissed. Only because he wanted you to give him water and tell him how good he did. He was frustrated when he came back because you were in the house watching a movie with another guy. You try to explain what was going on but it was to late he kicked the guy out the house and was screaming at you to pack your things.

You grabbed his arm and said" please please listen to what I have to say" he pushes you of his arm and onto the floor " you've got 5 minutes then start packing" he says sounding upset. You start tearing up " that's my little brother you... remember when I told you that my biological parents put me up for adoption?... well I found my family. I have proof if you don't believe me." He looks at you as you get up from the ground and pulls you into a hug and says " I'm so sorry... I didn't know... I should have waited till you explained first." You look and him and kiss him " babe it's okay you had a hard day at work and wanted me to be there... I'm also really sorry I'd didn't tell you I found my brother. I understand why you freaked out.. I would too if it was the same way as it is for me for you". Then you guys cleaned the messy apartment and watched a movie after.
( Sorry I have to make a part 1 and 2 because I'm pretty busy but thanks for reading mwahhhh😘)

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